April 20, 2020 7:41 PM
Averine Pennington
Dream Received by Averine Pennington, September 7, 2012 – Updated April 20, 2020
I was cleaning out some old documents yesterday and came across this dream I received back in 2012. I have no idea why it was filed where I found it. As I read through it, I realized how much it pertains to the time we are living in today. I had to wonder if God’s hand played a part in this dream being brought to my attention once again. While in my prayer time this morning, God began to reveal new insights about this dream, so I felt perhaps I am meant to share this new interpretation for the time of ‘NOW’.
The dream as originally written follows:
I awoke this morning (9/07/12) about 6:30 AM just as my husband was heading out to work. We said our good mornings and goodbyes and I laid back down thinking I would rest another hour or so before the grandkids were up. Sometime during that period of sleep, I had this disturbing dream.
I was in a medical exam room and my husband was with me. My exam was over and as the doctor exited he said I could get dressed to leave. My husband also left the room saying he would get the car and meet me at the front entrance. Once I was alone, I got dressed and started looking for my shoes. My shoes, which I had taken off and left on the floor beside the exam table, were nowhere to be found. I was looking everywhere for them when I heard this loud commotion outside. For some reason this exam room had a back door. (You know how dreams are . . . they don’t usually make any sense.)
So I opened the door to see what was going on and this is what I saw:
Within a few feet of the door from which I was viewing this panorama there was a torrent of water rushing by. It was filled with debris, both small and great. It was not raining but it was as if semi-darkness had descended upon the area. I could make out huge ancient oaks probably centuries old that had been entirely uprooted, still with branches full of green leaves on them. A couple of these large trees were floating by the doorway where I stood, pushed along by a swift current. This was not a flooded area from slowly rising water, but more like a dam or something may have broken upstream and all this was flowing by very rapidly, perhaps like you would see in a flash flood. In the midst of the great oak trees and passing very close to me was a huge walking figure that seemed to be made of gray stone yet wore a flowing robe that was draped about its torso. The robe was tattered and wet and dragging along in the water. I could not see any feet, which were under the water almost to its knees, nor could I see above its shoulders as the figure was so tall that the upper portion was obscured by the darkness.
After the stone figure passed the doorway, I closed the door and frantically began looking again from my shoes which were merely a pair of beige sandals. Somehow I knew that whatever was happening, I would need shoes on my feet. For some reason, I decided to look in the hazardous waste trash bin. There amid all of the medical refuse I saw one of my sandals. But in the bin were not only my sandals, but all kinds of other shoes (presumably from other patients). There were sneakers and flip-flops and boots and high-heels . . . many different styles . . . expensive shoes and cheap shoes. All of them were unusable. They had been tainted by the medical waste.
I awoke from the dream with the words “LIBERTY IN RETREAT” embedded in my mind. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and try to make some sense of what I had just dreamed. Immediately, I knew that the stone figure I saw in the dream was the Statue of Liberty. It had not fallen, but it was struggling to stay erect with every step it took in the swift current. Its robe was tattered and torn, like rags just barely hanging from the statue.
I live in Texas where we have some very old and stately trees. They are majestic to look at with their sprawling branches that seem to shade acres of land. Their roots go very deep and they have weathered many storms and still survive and thrive. They have withstood the test of time. But the mighty oaks in my dream were powerless. They had been uprooted and would never ever be viable again. What liberties that have been deeply rooted and grounded in the fabric of our nation may already be lost forever?
As I pondered what the “unusable shoes” in the waste bin and the extreme urgency I felt for the need of shoes, I thought about what the Bible says our feet need to be shod with. The scripture came to mind about putting on the armor of God. I write the verses below from Ephesians 6:10-18 (NIV)
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.”
I am concerned for our Nation. In its short lifetime, America has seen much prosperity as well as much adversity. Somehow, someway, through God’s infinite mercy we have been able to weather the storms. I sense on the horizon that it is not a storm now brewing, but a sudden and destructive force or event, or an inconceivable evil that will shake the very foundation of America. Your political affiliation is of little consequence in matters that may threaten the very existence of life as we know it. To every citizen who loves Liberty, who loves America . . . it is time to fall on our knees. Please pray for our Nation for without God’s continued hand upon us Liberty may no longer stand.
That was the end of the dream as originally written and my interpretation at that time.
Now if you have been following any of my previous posts, you know how God has placed on my heart the need to pray for America. A mandate was given to“Gather the People – Call a Solemn Assembly.” I was obedient and attempted to the best of my ability to gather the people for prayer and national repentance. I even posted a prayer guide entitled “Jesus Wept” on March 30th. Someone made a comment on that post and I responded with my thoughts. In that response, I made a prediction that if we did not FALL ON OUR KNEES and repent as a nation, we could fall into our comfortable recliners and watch the FALL OF OUR NATION on primetime television. Ladies and gentlemen, this dream which I now share with you from 2012 was the precursor of what is now happening in real time. LIBERTY IS NO LONGER IN RETREAT, SHE HAS FALLEN, never to rise again . . . swept off her pedestal with such a sudden destructive force she was unable to regain her footing. The huge oaks that were floating along beside her represent the foundations of a nation that have been uprooted.
I know many of us still hope for the best. We want to believe that what has been unleashed upon our nation and the world will subside and things will return to normal soon. Folks, I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news but that is not what the future holds. We are the last generation. The culmination of all things is here. What has been placed in motion now cannot or will not be stopped. Read ‘THE BOOK’. Every prophecy in God’s Word will be fulfilled.
I would like to mention also what was revealed about my missing shoes. I believe the shoes represent what has happened to ‘the gospel’. It has been tainted . . . contaminated by hazardous waste. The fact that the bin was filled with all different kinds of shoes represents every Christian denomination. The enemy has infiltrated many churches to the point that ‘the true gospel of the kingdom’ has been replaced by a ‘false gospel’. The wolves are mixed in among the sheep, disguised in sheep’s clothing. We must be very discerning in these dark days that lie ahead. You can read about the condition of the end-time churches in Rev. 1-3. Do not be deceived by a false gospel, my dear brothers and sisters. We must be overcomers. In the dream, I had to walk out with bare feet. See Psalm 91:4 . . . let HIS TRUTH be your shield and buckler.
The battle is raging. It is a war between good and evil. It started in the Garden of Eden and continues to this day. Satan failed in his attempt to usurp the throne of The Lord God Almighty, but he still thinks he can gain a victory by taking as many souls as possible to hell with him. He has his soldiers just as our Lord does. We are the pawns in Satan’s final strategy. Again, see Ephesians 6:12 . . . “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
The good news is that we have read the end of THE BOOK and we know who wins! Regardless of the plans of the enemy, our God has his own masterplan and it will happen just as He said it would in His Word. God sent His only begotten Son to redeem the world back to himself. Jesus died on the cross and shed His precious blood to pay the price for the sins of mankind. All who accept His free gift of salvation – believe on Him, repent of your sins and follow Him as Lord of your life – will receive everlasting life in heaven. But the decision is left to each individual person. God does not force anyone to love Him. He created us with free will. The choice is yours to make. We are not promised tomorrow. Today is the day of salvation. Choose you this day whom you will serve! Choose life!
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