Leadership of Canada’s Prime Minister Will Change
Tunnel by Mountain Collapses
Vision #304
Jul 5, 2021, 4:04 PM
Sharlene Reimer
June 29/21 Tues evg.
The date is correct. I had 2 visions June 29/21. I’m finally releasing the second one which I had in the evg. The other was in the am.
I was worshiping the Lord Jesus in the Throne Room. I sang hymns of old and some newer songs of praise. I began to pray and when I came to proclaim Psalm 91, I went up my mountain, navigating the slope on my right and encouraging others with me. I reached the top, saw my eagle, and off we went while I was proclaiming the Psalm. We remained along a mountain range. We came to a particular mountain and my perspective was facing a mountain with a road that curved beside it. The road disappeared because of a tunnel. We went to my right which was one of the entrances to the tunnel and flew through it. Just as we went out, a vehicle went out as well and proceeded on the winding road. I then heard a loud rumbling noise from behind me and I looked back. The tunnel was being crushed as the side of the mountain was collapsing. I understood it was from an earthquake and it occurs in Europe.
Back at the white bench, I asked Jesus if this vision is related to the mountain that collapsed and buried a train? And Jesus replied, “No, daughter, this is different.” Then I thought it through; the tunnel in this vision has a road that goes through it. In the previous one, it was a train. (#280). I thanked the Lord that the car was allowed to miss the destruction. But Jesus replied, “There will be a few that will die.” Although I didn’t see any vehicles while I was proclaiming Ps 91 as I went through the tunnel, I pray that it will have made a difference somehow and the Lord Jesus will use it.
I went to see a vision. I went down the stairs, greeted my greeter group that is always there at the bottom of the stairs and we walked over to the area where the others have already gathered. I looked and the vision opened to see Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking from a podium or somekind of stand with a microphone that would address an audience. The picture changed and I saw him sitting on a chair, with his head bent as he cradled it in his hands. He was upset.
Then I heard Jesus say, “He will lose the election. It is time for change in your nation. I haven’t forgotten the sin of bloodshed that is on his hands and the hands of his father. Woe to those who create unjust laws. Repent!” Then he went on to say, “It is not the time for the enemy’s agenda to be fulfilled.”