Dream, Tsunami

Land Going Under Water – Mike Allen


Land Going Under Water

June 6, 2022 12:43 AM
Mike Allen

At the end of last week I saw in a dream an area of land. There were no specific markers as to where it was. I was standing in the street and I heard what sounded to me like an explosion. I did not feel any shaking with it. Within about a half a minute I saw water caping over the surrounding hills and pouring into the valley where I was. I awoke from sleep heavily shaken.

I pondered the meaning of what I saw over a couple of days and I took it to God. I asked if this was from him and if so to confirm it to me.

Night before last I dreamed I was standing in a shopping center. Again, I was not given anything to identify a specific location. I heard a noise and looked to my right to see a wall of water, like that of a dam bursting, racing towards me. It was taller than the buildings. I feel a very heaviness in my spirit. I don’t feel this is metaphorical. I feel this is literal. Please everyone pray! Draw as close to God as you can get and stay there! There is NO other safety or refuge. We gotta get on our knees before our lord and savior Jesus Christ and ask him to let our lives be precious in his sight and for protection. I wish you all could feel the heaviness I feel in my spirit. Please don’t let a second go by wasted.

Mike Allen


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