Kevin Barrett
August 21, 2018
It’s The Season For Your Turnaround.
Dear Saints,
Last month I posted a prophetic word from the Lord, given through my dear friend and pastor, titled “Be Sober In These Last Days”. In that prophetic word, the Lord has declared that it’s time for victories and breakthroughs for many of His people. I can sense this in my spirit and it excites me so much because we have entered into unprecedented days where many will experience full salvation and come into the full stature of Christ.
And so, our Heavenly Father has given me a word for the Body of Christ which also encourages us to believe Him for victories and breakthroughs because it’s the season for our turnaround. I pray that this word blesses you all as much as it blessed me……
Word from the Father:
My people, hear the heart of your Heavenly Father this day. Many of you have been going through trials of difficulty and of dry periods where you do not feel my presence. But I declare unto you this day that I am coming upon the scene and turning things around for you. For many of you, this will happen quickly, for others, you will need to reach out to Me in faith while you watch and wait for your deliverance. But surely, I tell you that it shall come.
Now, listen to Me. I have not been hiding from many of you as though you have thought. Yet, the enemy of your soul has clouded your ability to hear Me and to know that I am near. But I tell you, his time is over. For you have entered the days of the fullness of time for both evil and good, darkness and light. Therefore, as you watch people of the world grow from bad to worse as gross darkness covers the earth, if you would but put Me first in all things, and look to Me within yourselves and receive this by faith, you shall witness My light within you begin to grow brighter and brighter. For truly I tell you, it is time for you to arise and shine for your light has come. And as darkness covers the earth and deep darkness the people, I shall arise over you and My glory shall be seen upon you. For I am doing a new thing in the earth, and the old wineskins cannot contain this new move of My Spirit. And so, I shall do a mighty work within My people who will choose to obey the leading of My Spirit.
Therefore, I need you all to lay down your preconceived ideas of Me and your notions of how I do things. For I shall conduct miracles like you have never witnessed before. For this is the day and hour of My power which shall be demonstrated among the nations. And many shall see My light in a darkened world and come into My kingdom.
My people, I am so excited for you. For even you, yourselves do not yet grasp the gravity of what all I am about to do in the earth. Yes, it is true that hard times are coming as I shake all that can be shaken. But I tell you, much of the greatest miracles that I shall do in the earth have been reserved for these last days of this dispensation. And all who shall call upon My name shall be saved.
So then, I give you all this hope and anticipation that greater days are just around the corner for many of you. For as you choose to step out in faith, I shall overshadow you with My Spirit and create miracles even within your own bodies. I shall conduct healings within My Body of believers like never before. Many shall be renewed and strengthened both in body and in spirit. Therefore, reach out to Me in faith, My dear children, and hold nothing back. Believe Me for the impossible, for all things are possible with Me.
However, you must know this one thing; I shall not conduct these miracles on behalf of those who have chosen to stay friends with the world and with sin. You MUST forsake all that is not of Me for Me to do this for you. I do not expect you to be perfect or sinless before I do these miracles for you, but you MUST draw nigh unto Me with repentance, sincerity of heart, and total abandonment, in order for Me to be able to do the miracles that I desire to do in and through you.
And as you make a solemn choice to abandon yourselves completely and wholly unto Me, I shall look upon you from high with great favor and unprecedented grace. And as you continue in your walk of faith, you shall accelerate spiritually and be transformed from glory to glory into My likeness. Therefore, do not slight such a great salvation that I have declared for you this day. For these are the days in which many of My people shall experience and enjoy full, total, and complete salvation both in body and in spirit.
Oh, many of you do not know, nor understand exactly what this means. But I tell you; you do not want to miss out on such a great salvation that My Son has purchased for you. For if you slight this invitation to the fullness of your salvation, then you shall be slighted by Me and My Son. And then woe unto you when the really hard times and woes come upon the earth. For in those days, it will be very unpleasant for those who are not hidden in Me and wearing robes of righteousness.
Now then, take courage that your victories and breakthroughs are just around the corner. Even breakthroughs for many of you who still struggle in areas of sin and the flesh. For I shall give you unprecedented grace to overcome all areas of the sinful nature of the flesh. And many of you shall walk in holiness in these last days like never before. But beware that you do not take pride in your freedom, for pride comes before a fall. And if you take pride in your freedom as though you did this in your own strength, then I shall have to chastise you so that you rightly give the glory to Me.
My little ones, I desire so many things for many of you that you yourselves have not even thought of. But these are the days in which I shall pour out My Spirit upon all flesh. And for many of you, you shall no longer count the days which you think that you have left in the earth. For your walk on the earth shall be one and the same as your walk in eternity with Me in My kingdom. And My joy shall be your strength.
So then, I commend you all to stir up your faith and believe Me for change. For I tell you, change for the better is just around the corner for many of you. And if you continue with your walk with Me and follow My Son in complete obedience, then you shall enter into the most exciting days of your lives in which even the prophets of old saw from afar and desired. But it was not appointed for their time, but for yours instead.
Therefore, take heed to these words of Mine this day and do as I have said. If you would do this, and continue in your faith, it shall be well with you from here on out for the rest of your days in both the earth and for eternity. I do not say that there will not be struggles or trials, but I shall be with you to be your strength and shield.
I love you all, My dearest ones, with an everlasting love. And it is My greatest desire to give you My kingdom. Therefore, do not take this invitation lightly, and you shall not be disappointed….