I will raise a destroyer says the Lord of Hosts
Febuary 15, 2024 8:49 PM
Olasubomi Williams
Psalm 91, Jeremiah 27
Words of the lord Jesus Christ
I will raise a destroyer from within you. Vladimir Putin is his name. He will destroy the nations who have chosen to rebel against me. Those who wish to follow the ways of the world will be filled with the cup of my wrath. I do not discriminate. All must choose me, all must accept me, else, they will fall with the wicked. I am your only salvation. Stay with me and let the destroyer pass over you. Will you accept me now before it’s too late. Choose now. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.
I will bring the destroyer to the nations of the world. I will wake the bear and the dragon from their lair. I will tell them “Arise, destroy much and feed on the nations”. They will go out and prosper in all that they do. They will bring many nations to subjugation and reduce the nations that rebels against them to ashes. I will not relent on this promise. The nations who are wise will go out of their way and the foolish nations that opposed them they will trample to pieces. They will cripple and break the back of the eagle and will burn it with fire. When the eagle has no strength to fly, the bear and the dragon will come and devour the eagle. I do not need to tell you which of these are the eagle, the bear and the dragon. Go and read and watch many of my prophets on YouTube and 444prophecy news. Children, gird yourselves in me for your salvation draws nigh. Seek me and let me hide you from the snare of the Fowler and from the noisome pestilence. I will not destroy my own. But those who chooses to rebel against me and follow that defiled eagle, those I will bring to humiliation. I will humble them says the lord. Jesus Christ, Yahusha ha masheach.
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