
I Use What the Enemy Means for Harm for Good in These End Days – Holy Spirit Wind

Holy Spirit Wind

I Use What the Enemy Means for Harm for Good in These End Days

Received 2-7 through 2-10-19

I want you know this My children, I will give you as much revelation about Me as you desire. I desire that you would want more revelation of Me and that you would want to know Me even more intimately. To those who seek Me diligently, I tell secrets of things to come. I whisper in their ears so that they shout what I say upon the rooftops and across the world, via the world-wide-web, though the days for this is short. Yes the enemy has used this for evil but I use it for good. If you could only understand that is how I operate, I am the Redeemer! I work all things together for good to those who love Me, to those who are the called according to My purpose. I use the enemy for My purposes and he hates it! I allowed him to kill My physical body so that I could die for all the sin of the world and be resurrected so that I could bring life to this dying planet. He could not help himself, he is a killer. His end time plan includes a counterfeit of what I did, that is how he operates. After 3 days his son will rise and be fully possessed by Satan himself but he will bring death not life and his kingdom will be for only a short time. My Kingdom has no end!

In the coming days, I will shake this earth and My sleeping remnant awake. Some of you are awake now and are trying to sober up those that are intoxicated with the things of this world with little success. When I shake they will awake! As the fiery kick off event burns and consumes, My Spirit will burn and consume all that is not of Me in you. It will be like a blazing inferno that cannot be contained by those full of My oil. You have been and will be pressed as olives and My oil will flow out of you. My children you have been and will be crushed like grapes and My new wine will flow out of you. It has been and will be in the death of your own ambitions, pleasures, desires and wills. That is when more of Me comes out of you. I will see that the oil and wine are not harmed for the carriers of My Spirit are needed for the harvest and all of their needs shall be provided for.

The winds of war are blowing in tandem with the wind of My Spirit. Once again what the enemy has meant for bad I will turn around and use it for the good of My kingdom. In all circumstances let the air around you be filled with your worship and praise of your King. The atmosphere will change as you do this so that you may inhale and exhale the breath of My spirit and be transformed. Yes, it is happening even now but soon you will be revealed to the world. My glory will infuse you and surround you as you bring in My lost sheep. As the tsunamis fall upon the coasts of your lands, so will a tsunami of My Spirit fall upon and inundate those who desire all of Me. Let Me baptize you with My Spirit inside and out. All those who truly desire Me more than anything else will experience this. I am no respecter of persons, positions and titles mean nothing to Me, I judge the heart, I will use the holy, humble and willing vessels for greater works than have ever been done on the earth.

I am standing at the door of your heart and knocking, He who has spiritual ears to hear, let Me in! We will break bread and commune together, this is what communion represents. Don’t treat it as a dead ritual, eat My flesh and drink My blood, BE ONE WITH ME! I want you to share everything with Me and I will begin to share Myself with you and continue for all of eternity. You will never know everything there is to know about Me but there is so much more that I want to reveal even now. There will be much more in the near future!

Lay aside all the things of the world now children. Put down the sin which so readily, cleverly and seemingly without even knowing, clings to and entangles you. Flee from it! Do not be like a dog returning to his vomit again. Do not be like a prisoner that has been set free but longs to go back into his prison cell. Do not be like a blind man who suddenly sees but longs for his blindness. I have so many good things in store for you! Rejoice in your freedom and liberty in Me! I give you fullness of joy and peace that surpasses all understanding! The world cannot offer you this. Things in your world are about to change drastically for everyone. Do not fear! I have you in the palm of My hand unless you choose to depart from it. See that you be not deceived! Pray for discernment! There are more false prophets than true ones. This always has been but it is worse now for you at the end of the age. You will not be deceived if you are hearing the voice of My Spirit now and testing it to see if it lines up with My Word. Soon you will not hear the voices of prophets and watchmen, for what has been coming for years is here.

Final Preparations are in order!


Yahshua HaMashiach

The Commander of Angel Armies


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