By HolySpiritWind
Saturday, July 22, 2017
I Tell You NONE of You Understand how Dark it Will Be and How Much Destruction You Will See.
Received 7-20 through 7-22-17
My dearly loved ones,
It is I, Jesus, Yahushua, your savior, your best friend, and your perfect lover; who speaks to you this day. I ask you to weigh what I tell you heavily and bring it to Me in prayer so that you may apply them to your life and not forget them soon after you read them.
Amidst all the warnings that I have been giving My servants and all the apocalyptic things that you see going on in the earth, on the earth, and in the heavens all around you, don’t lose sight of Me.
It is very easy it sometimes during the chaos, noise and confusion of modern life to neglect the One who loves you more than anyone else and gave His live for yours. You know that I am always there for you, so sometimes you take Me for granted and don’t spend as much time with Me as you should.
I do not say this to lay a guilt trip upon you but I long for you just to talk to you and just to be with you as you are just resting and enjoying My presence. It is is true that I will never leave you or forsake you even until the end of this age, but you must take time to just soak in My Spirit and be filled to overflowing with everything that I have for you. Most importantly I will fill you with love for Me and all of My creation including your enemies. For what good is it if you only love those who love you? Do not even the evil men love their friends?
Your time and your heart are really all that you can give to Me for I am in need of nothing.
It takes time with Me, day in and day out to be filled completely with My Spirit. Every day you need time sitting at My feet and just listening to Me, being still before Me and time on your knees and on your faces in humble adoration and worship. The is time when you just love My presence and would not rather be doing anything else but are focused totally on Me.
This is the very best thing you can do for yourself every day.
This is where you lay every care and burden down before Me and I take the weight of this world from you and I give you My easy yoke and My light burden. This is when, for a little while, you can actually feel that you are in heavenly places with Me. Your body is still on earth but your Spirit is soaring up with Me and there is love, joy, freedom, and a knowing in the Spirit that only those who completely let go know.
In these moments you know Me and we become ever more one!
Though these are small revelations of who I am it grows with every encounter. You grow more like Me with each and every encounter and the lusts of this world become less and less a part of your life; this is what is called sanctification or being holy as I AM holy.
There are some of you who read this message this day think it is unimportant but I tell you that it is most important. For in the coming days there will be no one who you will be able to rely besides Me.
You will need to hear My voice and obey Me with no help from pastors or prophets.
I tell you NONE of you understand how dark it will be and how much destruction you will see.
NO ONE shall escape seeing with their physical eyes what is coming unless their physical body sees death and their spirit comes to be with Me. The lies of the doctrines of demons and men have gone forth and they have seduced My church to sleep. The events that are coming will wake up My true elect ones and all the those who have only spoken words with their lips and have not meant them in their heart will fall away. The falling away is already in progress but will reach its pinnacle when the strong delusion of the fallen ones are revealed. All those that do not KNOW Me in the way that I have previously described will be deceived, this is why this message is so important.
Many of you reading this do not believe that you need to praise and worship Me or be intimate with Me every day but I AM telling you right now, that you do or you will not know Me. I will have to tell you “Depart from Me you worker of iniquity for I never knew you.” The reason that men will not humble themselves before Me in worship is out of their pride and you must get rid of ALL of it.
I will not force anyone to love or worship Me but ALL will bow their knee to Me and confess that
I, Jesus Christ, Yahushua Hamashiach am LORD to the glory of God the Father.
Please humble yourself and spend time with Me this very day for there is little time left to get to know Me. I LONG TO BE WITH YOU ALL,
Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him. Isaiah 64:4, 1 Cor 2:9
HolySpiritWind at 11:23:00 AM