
“I now bring blight and pestilence to the crops, and swarms of locusts and worms to consume that which remains.” – Jim Kermott

By Jim Kermott

“I now bring blight and pestilence to the crops, and swarms of locusts and worms to consume that which remains.”

JULY 2, 2017

I received this from the Lord about five years ago, but did not have permission to release it then, nor instruction on how to release it — for I have no platform (blog, pulpit or public ministry) from which to speak. At that time, I stuck it away in the Bible I was reading; and there it remained while I turned to a new copy of the Bible, which my wife received slipcased with a historical version she had ordered.
Earlier this week, the Lord caused me to take that Bible from the shelf, to dust it off, and to return to studying it; and this morning He caused me to read again that which He had me to write then, and now to release it:
“Speak no longer of ‘weather wars’; for man’s machines have no effect, save that I permit it. And who is to say that man’s machines have done these things — caused floods and droughts? Do not the effects but mimic My hand when I bring judgment upon the land? But so that you may discern My hand, I now bring blight and pestilence to the crops, and swarms of locusts and worms to consume that which remains, that you may know that I am God, and that you should return to Me!
Yet, you continue to harden your hearts. You continue to give glory to your enemies, who could do nothing to hurt you except that I permit it — and you do so [give glory to your enemies] that you might feel hate. (Hatred is NOT a fruit of My Spirit!) Yet, you know – but will not admit – that all these evils, and more, and others yet to come, I permit to come against you that you would finally return to Me.
Did I not call upon you to repent of your evil, to return unto Me, with the promise that I would restore you and your land should you do so, when I gave you 2 Chronicles 7:14 as theme for your National Day of Prayer forty years ago? Did you not note that the verse begins with the words, “If My People”? I was calling you out from amongst the unbelievers even then, for I can do no great work in your hearts while you persist in their presence — for their unbelief taints your very souls. However, you chose to take counsel from these unbelievers and to be ‘inclusive’ — not only inviting them into your assemblies, but allowing them to assume leadership over these assemblies WHICH I HAVE CALLED TO MY PURPOSE, THAT I MIGHT RESTORE YOU TO MYSELF.
Is it any wonder that among My people throughout the world great wonders are seen to follow My children, and the fruit (of My Spirit) lies heavy on the tree of their faith, wherever My people have answered My call [in 2 Chron. 7:14] and returned wholly unto Me? And yet, even your so-called ‘Christian Media Outlets’ do not report the great things going on in the world by My hand… that is, unless they can use them in a fund-raising drive to further fleece My sheep. (They prefer signs and wonders that amuse, over fruits that purify, strengthen and nourish. Look up the roots of the word ‘amuse’ to see why I prefer it over ‘entertain’.)
Now, as you did not heed My call to humble yourselves and to return to Me, you have brought unto yourselves not the blessings I offered in 2 Chronicles 7:14, but the alternative consequences of 2 Chronicles 7:19ff. I have withdrawn My hand of blessing from your land; indeed, I shall bring further judgments against her. But as for you, My people: you may yet save yourselves and be restored unto Me, if you will only humble yourselves, repent, turn finally and forever from your wicked ways, and return to Me. Should you do this, I shall yet strengthen you, grow in you the fruits of My Holy Spirit, and keep you unto Myself, that you may endure even until the end. Hear, O My people, the Word of the Lord!
You see the tribulations which are coming on your land, and indeed have already begun — and in your fear you cry, ‘Where shall we flee to, that we might escape from these troubles?’ There is only one place of safety, and that is in Me. Flee to Me!
In the past I have led My people to haven in other lands, to places of safety while My judgments were carried out in the lands from which I removed them. Now, there are no lands which are not under judgment — for the inhabitants of the Earth have become vile and perverse in all their ways… even as in the days of Noah.
Yet, it is not quite time for Me to bring down My cleansing fire, except that I shall purge My people of the corruptions of this world, so they might dwell in My presence.
Flee to Me, My people, that I may purify you that you might stand in My peace, while the terror of My judgment will strike all those around you. If you ask it of Me, I shall tell you where I want you to be. But know this: Some who seek their own safe haven in the world – their “bug out” sanctuary – or who do not move in My timing, may find the terror they tried to avoid. Flee to Me!”
Hosea 9:7a The days of punishment have come, the days of recompense have come…


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