
HOPE: A Quiet Resting Place – His Joy Bell

HOPE: A Quiet Resting Place

Nov 26, 2019, 2:49 PM
His Joy Bell

I just want to share this word God gave me back in 2016, to Encourage and Exhort . God gives us warnings about the times and seasons we are in; however, he also gives words of encouragement to his children!

( Heb:4:9.  NKJV )   states ” There remains therefore a Rest, for the people of God”

(Poem) “A Quiet Resting Place”

Abba says” There is a ” Place of Quiet Rest” A place I choose My child for I know best. It is a beautiful place, beside a quiet stream;a place where you can reflect; a place where you can dream,, and experience the Awesome Presence and Peace of a Loving God!

In this quiet resting place; you will be restored,  and refreshed,as you rest your head upon My breast! It is a place of Joy,a place of Peace;a place where My Presence is; and will not cease! It is a place you can go, and  find rest for the soul, and be at ease.

A place where you can release the cares of this world ;into the Hands of a Loving God, who is able to sustain, and restore  I patiently wait for you to surrender your all to me, the One, who alone; can deliver you from the hands of our enemy!

I continue to fight for you, as you abide in me;although the battle has already been won, on the Cross at Calvary!  I will hide you in My Pavilion,and lift you high above your enemies ;I will shield you from the fiery attacks, from the storms of life; until they pass and you, My child; are safe in My Arms, at last! ( In the Secret Place!)

In Christ,
His Joy Bell


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