
Hidden Drones – A Believer

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Hidden Drones

December 16, 2023 7:21 PM
A Believer

I am sharing a powerful and painful dream from the first week of December, 2023. In the dream, I was walking outside with my daughter in what appeared to be a very well ordered and clean neighborhood. The houses in the neighborhood all had large front yards with green grass and were mowed and maintained. In the middle of the street was a grassy median that separated both sides of the road. Suddenly I looked up and there were two very large low flying machines approaching that looked like they were in the shape of flattened jumbo jets and had that outline but they were silent, emitted no exhaust, and were flying very low to the ground like large drones. The drone-like planes appeared to be flying in grid lines as they were moving up and down the neighborhood. As they approached closer, I tried to grab my daughter so that we could move away. Unfortunately as I tried to get her, I was trapped under the drone and was subjected to a debilitating pulsing sound vibration that was in the rhythm of cicadas and brought me to my knees. My brain felt as if it was actively being damaged by the painful pulsating. After the drones continued, I made my way to the house and talked to the people inside. No one inside had heard or felt anything. I explained that I probably now had brain damage. My daughter had also been affected by the pulsing vibration. In the dream, no one was attacking the drones. The drones kept flying in grid lines patterns with no one stopping them.

Then, on December 13, 2023 I had another warning dream where I was outside with a group of people when birds that appeared to be Canada Geese started to gather in a formation in the sky. But, instead of the typical V shaped formation, these geese formed into a block formation. As I looked up, I suddenly realized that what I was looking at were not natural geese, but were instead drones made to look like geese. I realized that they had positioned themselves for attack. I immediately yelled to the crowd to take cover and to not be in the open.

After these dreams, I looked up pulsating wave technology:

Could A Sonic Weapon Make Your Head Explode?
Infrasonic sound can have very unusual non-auditory effects on the body. But does it kill?
BY SETH S. HOROWITZ | PUBLISHED NOV 20, 2012 9:00 PM EST: “Because infrasound can affect people’s whole bodies, it has been under serious investigation by military and research organizations since the 1950s, largely the Navy and NASA, to figure out the effects of low-frequency vibration on people” HTTPS://WWW.POPSCI.COM/TECHNOLOGY/ARTICLE/2012-11/ACOUSTIC-WEAPONS-BOOK-EXCERPT/

Sonic attacks’ suffered by US diplomats likely caused by microwave energy, government study says: https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/05/health/head-injuries-us-diplomats-government-study/index.html: By Jamie Crawford, CNN Updated 6:54 PM EST, Sat December 5, 2020

Please take this to the Lord.

In addition, as a believer, I have been warned of upcoming food shortages. I have begun making the hard tack that was used in the US Civil War. The only Ingredients are flour, water and salt! These hard crackers have lasted 100 years and I am told have around 250 calories each, protein, carbohydrates combined with ease of making. Salt is not optional as it is a needed preservative. Whole Wheat was used traditionally for these but other flour can be substituted if you decide to research that.

Below from: https://americantable.org/recipes/civil-war-recipe-hardtack-1861/
The Recipe:
2 cups flour
1/2 tablespoon salt
1/2 to 3/4 cup water

Preheat oven to 250 degrees F. Combine flour with salt in a mixing bowl. Add water and mix with hands until the dough comes together. Roll out on a table to about 1/3 inch thickness. Use a knife to cut 3×3 squares from the dough. Place on baking sheet, and use a dowel (see note above) to make 16 evenly-spaced holes in each square. Bake for at least four hours, turning over once half-way through baking. Cool on a rack in a dry room.

In Christ’s Love,

A Believer

Deuteronomy 20:4 ESV
For the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory.’

Deuteronomy 1:30 ESV
The Lord your God who goes before you will himself fight for you, just as he did for you in Egypt before your eyes,

Isaiah 54:17 NLT
But in that coming day, no weapon turned against you will succeed

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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