Heaven Awaits You at the Pearly Gates
May 24, 2024 11:07 PM
The test is done, it has been won by my sons, chosen to fight to bring the enemy to flight
Give us justice, give us what is right, so now the battle comes to light
Darkness cowards, as we approach, they have lost the battle; we are hard to handle
Nothing more can be said or done, for we are the sons of the one and only Living Son
We are the light, as we move through the night, finding those who are a fright (not alright)
We mend, we fix, we cover them with our love, bringing them light, for the Father above
No more hardship, toil, or pain, those we touch get into the straight and narrow lane
Not all will accept our light, for free choice is still their right
Be ready to accept the God above, for all he has for you is love
Accept his love, for your salvation is at stake, Heaven awaits you at the Pearly Gates
Photos courtesy Depositphotos