Angel, Jesus, Rapture, Trump, Vision, Volcano, Wrath

God’s Children Prepare for Take Off! – Spirit and Truth

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

God’s Children Prepare for Take Off!

April 4, 2023 3:23 PM
Spirit and Truth

Vision received 4-4-23

This vision was received by my mother on April 4th, 2023.

Millions of prayer warriors were kneeling out front of the house where Trump is residing and giant angels where standing over each warrior. The heavens began to open up above and angels with wings like eagles appeared and Jesus with them shining brightly in a burning chariot with wheels of fire, a sword of fire, and eyes like fire, wearing a long flowing cloak.

Then more angels come down and Graves begin to open and the dead rise up to Jesus, the warriors are all still kneeling and as soon as all the dead have risen the warriors mount up on white horses with angels behind them and ascend up with them to Jesus. Every warrior had the full armor of God on when they ascended up to Jesus.

After everyone of God’s people had ascended, the earth became very very dark and volcanos erupted, balls of fire came from them, the ground began to break and fire came from under the ground with great force.

1 Corinthians 15:52 KJV
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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