December 15, 2021 12:13 AM
Handmaid of the Most High
Last week, I had a very disturbing dream. I can tell the difference between a dream from the Lord and that typical human experience we all have arising from daily activities and our past. Though this wasn’t a prophetic dream, it was quite disturbing and “haunted” me for days after because it was based on the past, present and the future.
I was quite disturbed and asked the Lord to take it from my conscious mind. He told me that the reason He didn’t and also how He desired that I share it as a warning.
Some of those who read my prophecies previously, know that I was raised in the occult with family that has connections throughout the world through blood and political/financial/religious affiliations that result from these blood ties. I escaped but my bestfriend did not (we chose to leave together). My friend was sacrificed on Halloween a few months later and cannibalism and decimation followed. My family is still active and they were/and remain unhappy with me for my entire adult life. I have been in hiding repeatedly and had many attempts made on my life because of the secrets I’ve been privy to while in that environment as well as my knowledge of planned current events, their deeper meanings/significance and their future intended consequences. Which resulted in meetings I was forced to attend which focused on planning these events.
DREAM December 10, 2021
In the dream, I was with a group of friends in a house in a wooded area. In real life, I do not know who these people are but in the dream, I knew them. One woman in particular stood out. I’ll call her Renee.
As she and I stood in the kitchen of a house (I didn’t recognize the layout), she pulled out a large glass jar from her large purse. In the jar was what looked like a big glob of human tissue (like a mid-term baby fetus), which she removed with her fingers and began chewing! As I watched in utter shock, she was enjoying my despair though I attempted to hide my horror until I could do something about it. I didn’t want her to know just how horrified I was (since I didn’t want to alert her and engage in an immediate confrontation).
Later, I am in a room alone with one of my male friends, we will call him Allen (again, not anyone I recognize). Allen begins talking to me about Renee and asking questions that indicate that he sees her as a woman, he would like to pursue romantically. I try to warn Allen that though Renee comes across as a very pleasant person, she is not at all what she appears. Allen is very dismissive and eventually I just stop talking as it is obvious he has no regard to my opinion.
The Holy Spirit wants you to comprehend that there are people in your life that you also regard highly and though the Lord and others have warned you that certain individual(s) are unsafe to be around, you dismiss these warnings. As a result, you will suffer consequences unnecessarily because you failed to heed the Lord’s warnings!
Additionally, I have already shared words and visions of the coming cannibalism. I am supposed to share that this is much more common than some comprehend, ascribing such behaviors to native peoples in Asia or Africa of remote regions, who are performing such acts in obscurity! When in actually fact, it is very common in the occult and very common in the West.
I have been a witness to it many times! One of the most esteemed “Christian” leaders of the 20th century along with two other highly esteemed pastors (you have heard of all three if you are over age 10). Ate an 8 year old boy, after he had been sacrificed, he was barbecued on the back porch of this man’s cabin retreat. I was 15 at the time. Yet, many mourned his passing praising his good works!
As witchcraft has become more prevalent, the number of witches participating in human sacrifices has greatly increased and the eating of human flesh has increased also. Every popular book published in the United States either has witchcraft, homosexuality, pedophilia, rape or murder in its storyline in the last 5 years. Homosexuality is the main subject matter in most teenage books published. Many of these stories portray the kind protagonist homosexual, as victim of derision by ignorant people and messages to out these homophobes is the underlying theme. Hear me, I do not hate anyone. We are called to hate homosexual behavior but we are not called to hate anyone!
Do not expect the situation to improve!
As society continues to normalize abhorrent behavior that God forbids, you can expect to hear more about this in movies, social media, television programs, books, celebrity comments, celebrity jokes, news etc.
Once famine in Europe and the West become severe, it will seem like a reasonable act! I have foretold this also https://444prophecynews.com/i-have-set-before-you-life-and-death-choose-life-deuteronomy-3019-handmaid-of-the-most-high/
We are to expose works of darkness. Ephesians 5:11
~Handmaid of the Most High~ Acts 2:18,19, Psalm 37:30
Exodus 14:14
Leviticus 18:21-23
Deuteronomy 18:10-12
Job 19:19
Psalm 27:10-13
Psalm 55:12-14
2 Kings 17:17
Isaiah 57:2-13
Isaiah 49:15
Matthew 5:10-12
Matthew 6:14-15
Matthew 24:9-10
Luke 12:4-12, 51-53
John 3:19-21
John 8:12
John 12:35
John 14:6
Acts 2:38
1 Corinthians 6:9,10
2 Corinthians 4:4
2 Corinthians 6:14
Galatians 5:4-26
Revelation 21:8