Dream, Revelation

Dream and revelation of tongues to thwart Satan’s attack – Gabriel Fields


Dream and revelation of tongues to thwart Satan’s attack

April 12, 2022 4:13 PM
Gabriel Fields

Hello this is Gabriel and this took place on February 26th of 2020. My wife woke me up and was very shaken from a dream she had. This was the dream:

One of my daughters was in our second floor studio telling on her older sister to me. I went to the window looked down into the alley and sure enough it was true. Apparently I yelled down to her to stop what she was doing and she grabbed her baby in her car seat by the handle, flew up through the open window and began swinging the car seat (with her child in it) defiantly in my face in rebellion. My wife tried to break it up and all of a sudden a woman we both know appeared and jumped on her and pinned her. This woman was very strong and my wife was physically helpless against her. My wife kept saying “in Jesus’ name get off me!” It wasn’t working and my wife woke up feeling exhausted like she had been in a fight. My wife and I talked and prayed. After I was laying in my bed in the dark pondering this dream and silently praying. I felt it impressed upon me to tell her about praying in tongues and about being baptized in the Holy Spirit but it looked like she was asleep. I went back to sleep, got up the next day and told her that I believe God was telling me to tell her about praying in tongues and the baptism in the Holy Spirit and that I had waited too long and she had gone back to sleep. Then she told she actually wasn’t sleeping but silently praying in tongues! The room was dark so I couldn’t see her.

A word concerning this dream and revelation: The older daughter was operating in occult power and clearly in rebellion. In real life she is living this way. She is a regular pot smoker and into occult stuff. She has posted on social media her and friends playing magic the gathering. She was taken to a palm reader by her grandpa (which I got into a confrontation over) on her mother’s side when she was four and I believe this is when that spirit entered. Throughout the years I would take her to whatever church I was attending and she prayed “the sinners prayer” when she was fourteen. However, she has walked away from the Lord.. Sadly their mother has also since she divorced me in 2008. I hold on to proverbs
22:6 and the promise of them (children raised in the Lord) returning to the way of the Lord. These occult games and movies are HARMFUL, I don’t care what anyone says, stay away from them. Mixture is one of Satan’s greatest deceptions in the church. A little leaven leaves the whole lump- Galatians 5:9. Psalm 101:3 says “I will put no worthless thing before my eyes..” Sin begins in our thoughts and what we let in our eye and ear gates. This is not easy as we are bombarded with lust, violence, lies and witchcraft on media. I’ve personally gotten rid of cable and don’t listen or watch worldly material except for educational or outdoors material.Satan has many ways to lure human beings to hell. Also the once saved always saved doctrine is a LIE. Revelation 3:5: “He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments and I will not BLOT out his name from the book of life.” This is Jesus speaking to His church. If you just say a prayer but live in habitual sin do you think you’ll go to be with Jesus? If Jesus says He will NOT blot out his name, don’t you think Jesus COULD BLOT YOU OUT? We all stumble and struggle sometimes with temptation and even sin but we must NEVER give up and trust Jesus that with His help we will overcome sin (1 John 1:9). Too many have accepted that lie that “you were born this way so just surrender to the sin.” We either surrender to Jesus OR Satan. It’s really that simple. Remember what was written in 1 Samuel 15:23 “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness as iniquity and idolatry.” It was also odd that this random woman (that my wife and I knew) appeared and attacked her. This woman actually lived near my daughters for some time. She was a church goer but doesn’t anymore (as far as I know). Most Churches are NOT teaching anything as far as knowing Satan’s tactics to deceive so most ARE DECEIVED or ignorant of his devices. They also don’t come against sin either. I attended 3 different churches living in fornication and was not confronted about it! Shacking up is extremely dangerous but most churches won’t say anything! It is true we need to do everything in love but we must be truthful. In the dream this woman was demonically powered. Brothers and sisters, we MUST be on guard and pay attention to people around us. Witches, warlocks and satanists actually DO infiltrate our churches to do the bidding of their father, Satan. I am not saying I think this woman is for sure any of the latter list but it is possible. Further, even church goers with no relationship with Jesus that live sinful lifestyles are in the same camp as the latter whether they know it or not. Make sure that you are in relationship with Jesus and are doing His will. There will be no fakes in God’s kingdom at the end. The tares are among us but there is hope for them while they breathe if they repent and really turn to Jesus, this is God’s grace, he gives us time but the risk is NO ONE knows when their time is up. I thank God in Jesus Christ that He gave me the time to repent and not to let the devil kill me while I was in sin! I owe Him EVERYTHING. The Lord was speaking to both of us about tongues being another weapon of our warfare when the attacks come. Do you find yourself struggling sometimes with what to pray or coming up short for words? I sure do. That’s OK friends because God has made a way Hallelujah! Romans 8:26-27: “Likewise the Spirit also helps us in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. 27 now He who searches the the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.” 1 Corinthians chapter 14 goes into depth about tongues, interpretation and tongues for personal edification. I had a hard time receiving the Baptism in Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:11) because of the way it was presented to me. The people that spoke about this always acted superior to me which just turned me off at the time. We must do everything in humility and be gentle with those that don’t understand. This IS for today no matter what men may say but we must do everything in love (1 Corinthians 13). So when you find yourself being attacked or without the right words praying in tongues is great for that and the demons fear and hate it because the Holy Spirit is praying through you and when He’s there demons are terrified! We are at the precipice of the new world order so we must have our weapons ready so we can stand and pull as many from the fires of hell as possible!


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