Warning, Antichrist, China, Death, Disease, Judgment, Pandemics, Revelation, Tribulation, Vaccine, Vision, Word




July 19, 2021 12:39 PM
Pastor Jose David
EL Salvador, Central America.

Revelation from THE HOLY SPIRIT through a vision, given to me Pastor Jose David from the country of El Salvador, Central America.

Greetings, the morning of July 17, 2021 at 4:00 a.m.

I saw on the news and the newspaper that they were announcing a new virus, which has already been mentioned and it is called the delta variant, this is a new virus that in a short time will infectand kill thousands of people and the Holy Spirit said to me, this virus is called variant because it will cause many symptoms, it is called a variant because many will die from heart failures, others from lung failures, and others from stomach issues. The LORD said to me through his Holy Spirit, that many will desire to die and they won’t be able to and those who don’t want to die will die. I saw myself putting on gloves on my hands because it was mandatory by the government, and I heard him say, this will take place soon in the whole world, it will go to every corner of the earth, that is why you have to preach my word of salvation and alert my people, and also alert those who have not converted even if they do not believe you, they did not believe my Son either and they did not receive him, they will not believe you either, they will not receive you and you will not be welcome. I saw one nation (China) that was not suffering like the rest of the world, this nation has made a pact with Satan, those who think more highly of themselves (the Elite, those in power over the nations) have given millions of souls to Satan through sacrifices and unholy diabolic pacts, that nation (China) will be the most powerful in the world and is working hand in hand with the antichrist, they are now not suffering like the rest of the world, they want to take over the entire world, they want to have to take control over the world together with the antichrist, that nation of China is the author of everything that is happening in the world, but my Word has to come to pass, there are very terrible days coming, more trials to test my people, there will be absolute control in the entire world, there will be very difficult days coming, tell my people to not sit idle, it is not the time to be throwing stones at one another, not time to be blaming one another, tell them to get right with me, as I live says the LORD, I will deal with all rebellious and non obedient people because many will sell their souls, tribulation and more tribulation is coming over the nations, I will start to shake China and its neighboring nations, and I will continue to shake them because I have been speaking and they don’t want to listen, their hearts are like hearts of stone, tell my people that soon I will come to gather them up to me, the bowl of my wrath is almost full, I warn on time that they are preparing a third vaccine through which they will continue to kill thousands, and it will be the last one, the decisive one, those who do not die from the second vaccine, will die on the third one because their immune system will be weaker, those who stay behind after my rapture will be left and those who will die, will die, then they will pass new laws worldwide, and they will hand you over and betray one another (Matthew 24), there will be much weeping, pain and suffering like labor pains, and then I will come suddenly, to take you up with me in victory, I will take those who are persevering until the end, I speak on time and my words will be accomplished exactly as they have been written.

Matthew 24:9-10
Revelation 9:6


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