Febuary 19, 2024 1:16 AM
My Hiding Place
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Dear brothers and sisters,
Wow!! What an amazing time I had in my Secret Place today, Feb.17/2024. This Word is being recorded as it happened in real time, in terms of what Yah said, with my questions or comments and visions as I have received them.
It all started at breakfast time when I put my worship music on, singing my heart out to Yeshua. Not before long, I took my praising upstairs to have privacy to pray and intercede about anything the Holy Spirit needed me to. I was so delighting myself in Yeshua, my Saviour. His beautiful presence filled the room and such joy radiated from me. When I got into prayer, the Holy Spirit laid on my heart that He wanted to send a message out to wrap up what He has been saying lately. He said, ‘LET GO. LET GO OF EVERYTHING THAT HINDERS, SAYS YAH. LET GO OF THE CHAINS THAT ARE KEEPING YOU BOUND. LET GO OF THE WORLD AND ALL ITS PLEASURES. COME INTO THE SECRET PLACE. LET YESHUA INSTRUCT YOU FOR THE DAYS TO COME. LAY YOUR BURDENS, YOUR SINS, YOUR ADDICTIONS AT HIS FEET; PICK UP HIS YOKE.’
The words, ‘LET GO’ were spoken emphatically demanding an immediate response. There was urgency in the message. It is time to let go of everything that is preventing you from being one with Yeshua. Let go of your anxiety, your fears. Abide in the Secret Place of the Most High, under the shadow of the Almighty.
I asked Father to pour His Spirit upon us for we need Him so. I told Him we were ready to receive. When the Holy Spirit interjected saying, ‘ARE YOU SURE YOU ARE READY!?’ Immediately I was given a vision of what appeared to be a silhouette of a human, a vessel, filled up with glory and bursting this bright, shining light from every direction. I began feeling this bubbling in my Spirit, like wine that was fermenting.
I have tried to tell people that a fresh outpouring of Yah’s Spirit is coming for us, a latter rain. Father will not launch us into End Times without equipping us first. Even though the Bible speaks about this, some consider it old prophecy, that it already occurred in the book of Acts. The Bible is an eternal book, it’s Yah’s Word, it doesn’t get old, nor change. What has been, will indeed be again. Hallelujah!
The Holy Spirit briefly explained that with our human minds we cannot perceive the power that He is releasing upon us, but in the Spirit we can. I asked Father to touch my lips with a live coal so that any of my iniquity can be atoned for and I’d be ready to be sent out.
In Isa.6, Yah told Isaiah to prophecy to His people though they would not understand. We are being asked to do the same. Isaiah asked Yah for how long. Yah answered, ‘Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate’. Suddenly, I felt the desolation and utter devastation Yah will bring. I started weeping asking Father, ‘who will be left after all is said and done?’, meaning after He’s done pouring His judgments. He’s going to make man scarcer than the gold of Ophir (Isa.13:12).
I asked Yah to remove all our idols; to leave us bare, with our backs to the wall and nowhere else to turn but Him. He is the One who knows all, who has told us the end from the beginning – no idols can do that. Yours is ALL the glory Father, forever and ever!
Brothers and sisters,
be careful not to speak careless words before Father. Once I got to hear his powerful, thunderous voice in a dream and it shook me to the core. For days it played in my head. Those who think they will have a chance to explain their deficiencies and excuses when they’ll get to stand before Him, do not know whom they are dealing with. One quick rebuke and it’s over.
We’re heading out and it doesn’t matter who listens and who doesn’t. It’s their loss. Our job is to speak. They will be doubly penalized. One, for not believing the Word such that they could repent from their wrongdoings and benefit in heaven. Two, because our words will condemn them on the last day when they will not be able to say they didn’t know. There will be punishment for those who fail to recognize the voice of the Spirit talking through us, and for treating His prophecies with contempt.
Rev.21:8 says that the unbelieving will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. They will suffer in the lake of fire, which is the second death.
Father brought to mind the story I had just reviewed the day before in Num.16 where Korah and his followers asked Moses, ‘Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them: wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the Lord?’ Father said that in like manner, people around us will rise up and say, ‘Who do you think you are? We are also anointed by Yah. What makes you above us?’ But Father said no mercy will be shown unto them. He reserves the right to choose whom He will – those who are humble, contrite in Spirit and tremble at His word.
Those around us will notice a difference in us for we will not be able to keep things to ourselves. This ‘bubbling’ inside us will not be contained. The Holy Spirit said that it’s His turn to speak and speak He will. Let the wise hear His words and heed. This ‘bubbling’ will gush out. The Holy Spirit is putting His words in our mouths. Whatever we are given to say, will come straight from Him because we’re no longer slaves to our carnal nature. Yah’s Spirit is taking over. Hallelujah! He will have the spotlight. Those who are meant to hear will be convicted; the Holy Spirit will pursue them night and day. He said, ‘A SPIRIT OF RESTLESSNESS WILL BE RELEASED TIL THEY SURRENDER.’ Those whom the Holy Spirit knows, 3 lifetimes wouldn’t be enough to convince, they will either rebuke us or simply ignore us and continue in their perversions, rebellion, stubborness and pride. The Holy Spirit said, ‘A HOLY WAVE IS RISING FROM THE ENDS OF THE EARTH. MAY HIS PEOPLE STAND AND RECEIVE. IF YOU HEAR HIS CALLING, DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEART.’
Yah’s Word will not be chained. Our work is not completed until the Gospel of the Kingdom is preached to all nations, and then the end will come.
Then I heard the Spirit saying, ‘LET MY PEOPLE GO. LET MY PEOPLE GO’. For some time, many things have held us back – our families, lives, jobs, engagements, fears, but now Yah is commanding for us to be let go. I see another vision. This time of us, coming forth like Lazarus. I see Lazarus in his grave clothes, walking slowly but surely – He heard the voice of Yeshua. The power in His voice was enough to rebuke the grave that held him bound. The graves are opening. There is great rumbling happening in the valley of the dead dry bones. The Army of Yah is being assembled. I hear the command, ‘ASSEMBLE!’ Then I hear the sound of the shofar blowing.
Next, I hear, ‘ORDER’. Order is being re-instituted. We are bringing a reformation, a restructuring, the return to the Ancient Path -that is to doing things as Yah commanded. It is not how we think things should be done, nor what makes sense to us. It is about obeying the Master. You are either for Him or you are not! The line in the sand is being washed away. The middle ground is being erased. You must decide – either for Yah or for Satan. This is it. It ends here. No more time to procrastinate. Tomorrow is not promised.
We are being sent out into the highways and byways. Yah said, “BE SURE TO TELL THEM, ‘CHOOSE TODAY WHOM YOU SHALL SERVE’ “. There shall be no more delay. You are not promised tomorrow, neither will I be here to repeat myself. May Father’s words fall where they may. Oh, the glory that will manifest through us! He said, ‘DON’T BE AFRAID TO CALL THINGS INTO EXISTENCE. IT SHALL BE DONE. YOU ARE MY JEWELS. I WILL DISPLAY MY SPLENDOR THROUGH YOU.’
This whole time in my Secret Place, since my singing began, I felt this bursting feeling; this spring of Living Water flowing out of me. What a powerful encounter!
Father, thank you for your faithfulness in giving us your timely warnings and encouragements. Thank you also for your indescribable presence. Please remove any hint of dross, of sin that may still be left in us, so that the movement of your Spirit is not obstructed in any way. I pray for a spirit of obedience to overwhelm all your people that we may follow you in all your truths. Have your way in us. Use us as you see fit. In Yeshua’s Name. Amen!
Photos courtesy Depositphotos