
Holy Spirit Teachings 42 From 07/04/23 to 07/10/23 – LynL

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Holy Spirit Teachings 42
From 07/04/23 to 07/10/23

April 28, 2024 1:54 PM

Weights That Effect Your Soul

Each weight that chains you to this Earth, keeps your soul from advancing. These weights (sins) are Lust, lying, cheating, fornication, unforgiveness, killing, covetousness, pride, arrogance, stealing, anything that ruins the temple of God (your body) among others. The enemy wishes for you stay in these sins. While in these sins, he has control over your body which affects your soul.

No One Knows What Tomorrow Will Bring

Most do not know what tomorrow will bring. My children are hopeful that all will go back to normal. The normal that was, will not return. Changes will continue at the breakneck speed. Things never seen before will become common place. Things that my children never imagined could happen, will. Many will lose property and their possessions, as these things occur upon your Earth.

My light is what should be followed. Stay away from darkness, sins, and things that my Kingdom, cannot and will not comprehend. Get close to me before it is too late. Pray, read my word, and repent of all wrongs.

Life will become unrecognizable as these changes take place. Help others, who also will be in need. My Kingdom come, my will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven!

Don’t Dig a Hole in the Ground You Can’t Escape From

Many of my children believe they have dug a hole, for their soul, that is unescapable. This is not true. The enemy would love for you to believe this. Your enemy gives no hope to you, for your salvation.

Salvation is obtained by repentance, prayer, reading my word and spending time with me. If you follow these simple instructions and stay away from sin, you are redeemable. DO NOT listen to the enemy, because he is a liar. My children need to listen to me, for I Am the redeemer of souls. The enemy’s job is to make sure you believe there is no hope, no reason to change. He has taken many souls this way, do not get caught in his trap.
All my children have sinned. Some minorly, and some majorly. But all sin, no matter its severity, cannot make it into Heaven. Rid yourself of these heavy chains that make you believe you are unworthy. Get on your knees, humble yourself, and start a conversation with me. I Am waiting for you.
Your Father in Heaven

Is it ½ Full or ½ Empty?

Everything can be perceived differently depending on your perception. One might perceive the same situation totally differently than the other.

Each person is an individual who looks at a situation and makes their judgements on what they see or perceive.

Is there a God? Is there Heaven or is there a Hell? Does Satan really exist? What is the purpose of my life? Is evolution true? Is the Holy Bible the true history as God wanted it portrayed?

All my children must make their decisions on what is truth and what is not. Sometimes information has been left out and my children have only gotten ½ truths. It is when these falsehoods come to the top like cream, that newer and more accurate perceptions are possible.

Lies have been perpetuated for hundreds of years, will start to become apparent to the masses. It is important to newly perceive these truths and revise your perception. I Am the truth, the way, and the life. Follow me, for your salvation is closely behind me.

Hearing My Voice

Hearing my still small voice is much easier when in a quiet surrounding. Focus on me and what you believe I Am saying. I love you. I Am here. Listen carefully. Do not miss a word I say. It is both our minds meshing together. That is why you think it is yourself many times. Your thoughts surround my thoughts. You are an extension of me.
Since we are one, I can supersede thoughts while communicating. This way I Am able to give you information that you might need for your safety, for others, that it might impact their lives. Always focus on me. Know I Am there with you at all times.

Sin Has Gotten the Best of You- Now Make it in the Past!

All my children sin. Some have done terrible things and others minor sins. I Am can forgive all sins (except for blaspheming the Holy Spirit) with repentance, with your sincere remorse.

The enemy is calculating and wishes for you to stay in your sins. The enemy’s job is to make sure there is no change, no repentance, and no stopping of these sins. The enemy’s main function is to reintroduce what you have currently tried to leave behind.

For instance, if you are trying to quit drinking, he will make sure you get a free bottle of booze, that you were not expecting. If you are trying to stop swearing you will get confronted with something so aggravating it will be hard not to swear. The enemy knows who you are and what your habits are. You are easy prey, especially if you don’t believe there is an enemy.

Satan has hidden himself from view for many years. Many believe he is a myth. This technique is extremely effective, for if you have no enemy, you need not protect yourself. This leaves you wide open.
Your sin keeps you in bondage with the enemy. He has something he holds over you. Your garments become spotted and unable (unsuitable) to make it to Heaven. Make all sins as part of your past. Thus, removing the chains that bind you.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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