As Jonah
November 22, 2021 9:28 AM
Yearning Servant
November 14th, 2021
“I am calling many of My children as I called the prophet Jonah.
Some of My children wish the destruction of those who are leading many down dark paths. Others blindly follow, seeking peace and comfort. Though destruction may be a necessary consequence in My justice, My great desire in My mercy and compassion is for these leaders and influencers to come back to Me.
I am therefore calling many of you, my loving and obedient ones, to do as Jonah did. Carry My Word to those in desperate need of hearing it.
Some of you may turn away, desiring another path or even to hide in the belly of the whale. Know that I will still be with you and will hear your complaints, concerns and excuses. Then, in time, I will hear your pain as you turn your hearts back to Me regretting your selfish decisions and desiring again to surrender to Me, to hear My voice and follow the path I have set for you.
Stand up My children, be ready in your watchtower to see what I WILL SAY TO YOU. I will give you the Words to say to those I send you to. Do not worry about the results, simply do as I ask.
Many of your brothers and sisters have been deceived and see this attempt by men to save the future through control and restrictions and freedom from morality as noble and right.
Some of My people see the darkness approaching but cannot accept that it is so. Others feel powerless and frozen with fear and anxiety., with little hope.
None of this needs to be. I am Your God, Your creator who loves you.
I will act with love to receive those who come back to Me with welcome arms. I will act with justice to bring destruction on those leading others away from Me. By making My justice clear, by removing created attachments and false idols I will implore the lost to see Me, their only source of hope, next to them ready, to receive them back.”