America, Destruction, Prayer, Word



10/5/24 6:37 PM
Handmaid of the Most High
2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 KJV
Rejoice evermore. [17] Pray without ceasing.

October 5, 2024

If you are reading this after Sunday, October 6, 2024, please proceed to fast tomorrow and pray according to the directions that follow.

If you have not been following the tragedy of Hurricane Helene and the appalling lack of intervention by the government, you have been disobedient to the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit calls upon each of us to minister to those in need, both physically and spiritually.  On Friday evening, the Lord told me to declare a national day of prayer.

Watch this first, then read His instructions.

They are lying to you about the Hurricane Helene Disaster!

Beloved children, I call upon you to cry out in unison to me on behalf of your kinsmen.  The people of your community have been devastated by a surprise attack by the evil ones.  The enemy of your souls has come and destroyed the lands of many.  He has taken all that they held dear.  Their homes, their cars, their careers, their animals and most importantly their loved ones.  

Such devastation is typically only witnessed in war.  That is why, I have called upon you, to spiritually war for all you hold dear, America is now in full view!  Your very own president acts as though nothing at all has happened.  It is to bait you into a war of words, do not fall to the political debate that is transpiring.  And if possible, acts of retaliation, do not fall for it.
Focus instead on running to those who are in desperate need for basic survival supplies.  Be on target with the true priorities of this time and organize convoys that will not be stoppable by those in law enforcement, who are confiscating supplies.  
Be My hands and feet in the time of war.  More evil is planned for this region and thus you will have to be strategic in your operations.  Do not allow petty arguments to suspend or derail your effort, this is an act by the enemy to sabotage your efforts!  Cover all efforts in prayer.  You will not be able to be victorious without PRAYER.
I AM calling a Fast by all U.S. citizens and all those who love her people around the world.  
Sunday, October 6th, I call you to FAST –  
1. Fast all food until sundown, if that is not possible due to health issues, fast all liquids other than water 
2. Read the book of Esther and learn how I honored her sacrifice.
3. Pray in the Spirit using your gift of tongues
4. Pray with others after you have prayed to me alone (if your church participates and begins early in the day, still do this later in the day, if possible).
5. Stay off social media and use the time reserved for this (basically hours of your day) to pray even more
1)  Pray for each person, who experienced trauma as a result of Hurricane Helene.  Pray for their healing in mind, spirit and emotion.  Pray that the fear and heartache will be healed completely by Me and depression will not the next step.  Pray that hope will replace the fear of abandonment and heartache.
2)  Pray that each need will be swiftly met.  Food, water and shelter will be given to each in need of it and those on the brink of death will be rescued in time.
3)  Pray that each person called to help in this effort would be obedient and enthusiastic to become a part of the solution.
4)  Pray against all evil forces that would 
   a)  sabotage efforts to provide help for the needy.
   b) plot evil against those who speak out or are otherwise engaged in coordinating help.
5)  Pray protection for all who are working on behalf of those impacted by the Hurricane Helene.  
     a) their health
     b) their safety for them and their families
     c) wisdom
     d) strategies to be more effective
     e) sensitivity to My Spirit and My direction
6.  Pray that all those in media, who are avoiding coverage of this tragedy or who are covering up the true agenda of what has taken place will be 
      a)  exposed for all to see.  
      b)  decried by the citizens for their corruption 
      c)  advertisers would pull support as a result of citizen’s demands
7. That those in government, who made a backdoor agreement with the following organizations to have access to this region to harvest -lithium, gold, quartz and other precious and semiprecious metals will be publicly exposed worldwide for their role in this atrocity.
8.  Pray that those corporate leaders, who arranged and purchased access to this region to repent for their evil deeds.  That they would publicly apologize.  And they would make reparations to the survivors.  To Pray for those leaders, who are involve by their name.  Click on the links provided

9.  My justice will be swift upon each person and entity involved in the scheme to destroy the Carolinas and Tennessee regions.  That all those in government that aid and abet this evil would be exposed and face justice.

10. That those, who have the flexibility to leave their regular life to go to those in need will set aside their comforts and go deliver machinery to clear the roads and deliver goods for those in need and bring things that are in short supply.  That corporations both local, regional, national and international would proclaim their commitment to deliver aid and follow through quickly.  
11.  That people will donate despite their own resource limitations to organizations, who truly serve those in need and not pocket the funds for big salaries and big toys like jets and cars.  That those who have abundance would dig deep realizing that they don’t need another house or another vehicle.  
12.  Pray blessings upon – 
       a) those who are assisting in rescue efforts both emergency personnel and caring individuals
       b) those working to recover and identify those who lost their lives
       c) those in law enforcement who are truly “protecting and serving”, who defy orders not to render aid
       d) those individuals, who gave funds and supplies
       e) aid groups, who use resources according to the Holy Spirit’s direction
       f)  individuals on social media, who are sharing the truth of what has actually happened
       g) corporations to reap healthy profits because their leadership donated funds, supplies, machinery,                 and personnel
       h) those people who are beseeching me for deliverance on behalf of those impacted
Thank you to all my children, for bringing hope to those afflicted.  Do not forget them!  Do not let the next news event cause you to stop praying for their aid and recovery.  There but for my grace goes you.  America, the destruction is coming and as you can see, it has begun.  Pray protection for all those who serve me because soon, many of these will be tested, too.  Pray without ceasing!  
For those of you, who have put off participating on my International Day of Prayer, posted, what are you waiting for?  Have I not told you again and again, that I have called you to be a people of prayer.  “If those who are called by name, would humble themselves, and pray to me, I will heal their land”.  It is the neglect of my request that America has become Babylon, you, all of you, have had a hand in the degraded state you now find yourself.  Some in big ways, other in smaller ways but because of the laziness that is displayed by this nation, you have allowed evil to flourish and flaunt itself.  It is to late to stop the judgment i pronounced upon your land.  
HOWEVER, you can pray for the judgments to be lessened in intensity.  
You can pray that those who love and serve me will not suffer.  
You can pray repentance for those, who continue to sin with abandon.  
You can pray for revival.  
You Can PRAY!
~Handmaid of the Most High~ Acts 2:17-18


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