All else fails
September 7, 2020 9:11 AM
Casey Ellis
Word received September 7, 2020
The voice of the Lord thunders over the many waters. The voice of the Lord thunders from the heavens. The day of the Lord is upon you. Walk in my ways. Hearken to my voice. I will lead and guide you along a safe path. You are a watchman. You are a prophet to the nations. See, my presence is here. You have walked in my ways. You of hearkened to my voice. I have trained you for this day and hour. Stand. Arise, for your light has come. The glory of your Lord is risen upon thee. For the shattering of strongholds. To set the captive free. You have trusted in my name.
My message to you today is this: the time has come for the threshing of my people. Let my word go forth. I have set you apart. I have appointed you. You have been commissioned. You have been endued with power from on high. The time has come: repent, weep, mourn before me. The destroyer of nations is upon you. Hearken to the word of your Lord.
Hearken to the word of your God. All else fails. If you hear his voice today, do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah Follow the leading of my Holy Spirit. See your ears are open to my voice. Seek my face today. I have set you apart. I formed you in your mother’s womb. Let my word go forth.
Psalm 139
Isaiah 21:1-10
Psalm 29
Hebrews 3