A Word for Estonia – Sõna Eestile
April 7, 2021 11:08 AM
Every Knee Shall Bow
Hi everyone! I want to share a word the LORD gave me in a vision I had last month (on March of 2021)
While in my personal prayer time, I saw a picture of a country’s flag (which had a black, light blue, and white stripes) and a figure Jesus was standing in front of it stretching His hands forth. I understood in my spirit that the LORD was “giving Estonia a
second chance”, and that ” He still loves Estonia” (when I saw the vision, I immediately recognized what country it was about).
The next day I went on the internet and searched for Estonia and I searched about religion in Estonia. As I kept reading and searching, I ended up searching for “List of countries by religious importance” (or “Importance of Religion by Country”). Then I found a Wikipedia article about this, and… guess what? Estonia ranks as the number one country in the world (out of the 195 countries that exist today) where most of its citizens consider any form of faith as “unimportant” (which is 76% of the population). Then I understood why Jesus is giving Estonia a second chance!
The LORD did not give me any knowledge of any judgements on this country, but I understand that He wants Estonians to repent of their sins and turn back to Him. I believe God will judge this country, as He must do with all the 195. But I was not given any knowledge of what judgements. All He told me was that “He is giving ESTONIA a second chance.”
If you are Estonian or you know anyone who is Estonian, please share this word of warning so that they can at least consider finding God, because God will find them. God finds those who seek Him!
“And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13
The link where I found the info about Estonia:
Thank you and God bless! Mark.
Below is the post translated in Estonian (using Google Translate); please forgive any mistakes:
“Isiklikul palveajal nägin ma riigi lipu pilti (millel olid mustad, helesinised ja valged triibud) ning kuju ees seisis Jeesus, kes sirutas käed ette. Mõistsin oma vaimus, et ISSAND “annab Eestile teise võimaluse” ja et “Ta armastab endiselt Eestit”.
Järgmisel päeval käisin internetis ja otsisin Eestit ning otsisin religiooni kohta Eestis. Lugedes ja otsides jätkasin otsinguid “Riikide loetelu religioosse tähtsuse järgi” (või “Religiooni tähtsus riikide kaupa”). Siis leidsin selle kohta Wikipedia artikli ja arvake ära. Eesti on maailma esimese riigina (täna eksisteerivast 195 riigist) riigina, kus enamik selle kodanikke peab mis tahes usuvormi “ebaoluliseks” (see on 76% elanikkonnast). Siis sain aru, miks annab Jeesus Eestile teise võimaluse!
ISSAND ei andnud mulle mingeid teadmisi selle riigi kohta tehtud kohtuotsustest, kuid ma saan aru, et ta tahab, et eestlased parandaksid oma patte ja pöörduksid Tema poole tagasi. Usun, et Jumal mõistab selle riigi üle kohut, nagu ta peab tegema kõigi 195-ga. Kuid mulle ei antud mingeid teadmisi selle kohta, milliseid kohtuotsuseid. Ta ütles mulle ainult, et “Ta annab EESTI-le teise võimaluse”.
Kui olete eestlane või teate kedagi eestlast, jagage palun seda hoiatussõna, et nad saaksid vähemalt kaaluda Jumala leidmist, sest Jumal leiab nad üles. Jumal leiab need, kes Teda otsivad! (loe Jeremija 29:13)
Aitäh, jumal õnnistagu!”