Holy Spirit Wind
A Parable About the “Kick-Off Event”
Received 8-4-18
“My son, I wish to give you this parable about the “kick-off event” so that My people have more understanding about what is about to take place and perspective.
The ball has been placed on the tee and the whistle has sounded and the kicker’s hand is raised. Do you hear his footsteps? That’s how close it is! I tell you, do not focus on the kicker, he is only a small member of the many teams of Satan that is against the one team of YHVH. Don’t focus on the ball or any of their players, focus on your Captian and Quaterback. Their quarterback is the all-time crowd favorite, when he comes unto the field, the crowd goes absolutely wild. Satan will personally control the quarterback and through the his mark he will control his team. The players on team Satan are much bigger and stronger physically than those on My team but We will prevail.
All of the officials ( referees, line judges, umpires and judges) are for team Satan because has paid them off and if they don’t rule in his favor on the playing field he has them killed and replaced by someone who will. Satan has even gone after the star players that were on My team and he has lured them away with mega-money and incentives up front(now) instead of the heavily back-ended contract that I offer My players for eternity.
Just before halftime of this final game, team Satan will look undefeatable. They will seemingly score at will and will even take out many of My team members. My team will extremely worn out but they will overcome, all is not lost! The League Commissioner, My Father, is sending down rulings from above and the team shall new power breathed into them by coach Ruach ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) and My team will play like never before and will be transformed and unstoppable. They will even go out and find many, many teammates that had switched teams and they will recruit those who Satan had cast aside. The team will be larger than ever! We begin our great victory feast before the game is even over, at halftime.
Satan will be ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS but he will not stop them. This is when the Commissioner will send down many penalties and destroy their game plan and many players. The fallen ones from times of old, the men of renown and mighty fallen angels that have been bound will be loosed and join the game. They will not overcome My mighty ones for all of My power will be with them. Satan will scheme to throw the Commissioner out of His office but it will fail. Then I shall return at the end to score the winning “touchdown” with the millions upon millions who were at the feast. Satan shall be thrown into prison for 1000 years, for all of lies, deceptions, murders, extortions etc., etc., etc., along with all of his those who were loyal to him and all of his staff. At the end of 1000 years, Satan will be let out of prison and try to overthrow the Commissioner again but he will again fail. Then he will be thrown into the lake of fire where he will be tormented day and night forever and ever!
I speak this to My team:
You are assured to win if you do not give up and have faith in your team Quarterback and Captain. Focus on Me for the victory has already been won on the cross of Calvary! I sacrificed Myself for the victory for all. Although earthly players have guaranteed victories and some have won but I CANNOT LOSE and YOU CANNOT LOSE ON THIS TEAM but YOU MUST GIVE YOUR ALL JUST AS I DID NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS!
Jesus Christ
Yahshuah ha Mashiach”