Jeremy Potter
July 2018
Children of Heaven; You are a child of Heaven living on earth. You are in the world but not of the world. You are in a battle in which you cannot see or comprehend through the flesh and you must see through the eyes and not with the eyes as seeing through the eyes with a conscience, rather than with the eyes devoid of a conscience. Seeing the world through spiritual eyes. When God said Let there be light You came into existence. And God separated the light from the dark. Jesus is the light, the word of God, everything was created by Him, for Him, and through Him as our Father desired you specifically, to have an everlasting relationship with you. Our God weeps with you and is joyful with you and did not stand on the sidelines, but instead entered His creation to demonstrate His love and compassion, to give examples for us to follow as pertaining to or between you and your Father who is in Heaven, and to take upon Himself the sins of all the world. To wash us clean through the purity of His righteous blood. You were created with absolute purpose and meaning. You are not an accident you are not a mistake you are not meaningless you are not some random thing. You are a part of God Himself as He breathed into you the breath of life. In His perfect timing He will reveal to you exactly what your purpose is in and through him. Our Father chose you to be here at this specific moment, to be in and apart of the body of Christ. God is calling you to remembrance, as we have passed through the vail of forgetfulness. You are in the world but not of the world as we are here in the flesh to fulfill His will on earth as it is in Heaven, by speaking and sharing the good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. Zechariah 4:6 Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts. Through the HolySpirit it has been revealed to you that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. It is through the guidance of the HolySpirit that draws you out of the world and into the hands of The Almighty. It is through the HolySpirit that many truths of God are revealed to you as He desires to lead and draw you near unto Him, and to each in their own way. I Corinthians 12:3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. You know that there is but one King, one Lord, one Messiah, one Almighty, one God, one Father. For it is by His Spirit that He has chosen you to reveal these things to. And He is calling you by name. Calling you to remembrance. He is calling you to be His hands, His feet, His smile, His eyes, His hearing, His touch, to be His love projecting through you. To shine His light on others, calling them out of the darkness and into the light in His Name. The Lord Jesus Christ is calling you to keep your eyes focused on Him as He is your Rock, your fortress, your cover and shield, therefore through your trials you have rest in Him, for you will be tormented night and day but you have eternal rest in Him. This is one of the reasons you are tormented. It is Him Jesus Christ, Yeshua Savior Messiah who dwells within you in which those of this world hate. If they hate you, remember that they hated Me first, and as they have persecuted Me so to also shall they persecute you. Though we will not understand many things in this world, know this, John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For those who are in Christ, you are exactly where you are needed to be, for you have faith in Yeshua and He is guiding you for His purpose. Your constant suffering is because you have chosen to carry your cross and follow Him. You have chosen to step away from your flesh and live through the Spirit. It is a constant battle and is why we keep our eyes focused on Jesus. John 20:29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. Blessed are those who see Me and believe, and more blessed are those who don’t see Me and believe. What is Jesus saying here? Do you not believe He is saying, even you who have seen Me doubt that I Am who I Am, but you who have not seen Me and believe chase after Me, though you may fall I lift you up, your eyes are focused on Me. Be not troubled My little ones, for you have been chosen out of the world and placed in the palms of My hands and none shall be plucked from Me. And this has been ordained from the beginning. You will do My work and another may not understand. And another will also do My work and you may not understand. Just as the foot is not the hand, the eye is not the ear. Jesus is the head and He knows the workings of the body. Therefore trust in Him. Though many will come in Jesus Name beware for they use His Name for their own benefit, this is blasphemy. Doing wickedness in the Name of God is blasphemy. Using God for your own advancement is blasphemy. Leading the children astray is blasphemy. Jesus will say to them Depart from Me ye workers of iniquity I never knew you We who have seen Him not, believe, and know, and trust, seeking after Him as He calls out your name. It is merely by hearing His voice that has causes you to stop and wonder after His voice. Soon when He speaks, you know it is His voice calling out to you, as He said, My sheep hear My voice. Come Hither unto Me child. You answer His calling Thee unto me and me unto Thee, a song being sung forming your inward parts. The more we grow in Spirit, the more clearly we will see the workings of the body. You being chosen to be in the body of Christ is likened to Jesus being here as He dwells within you. For we cannot see the fruition or fullness of how God is working through each member of the body. yet we know that His Will shall be done. You have the power to heal even through just that of a smile. You have the gift of showing love to those who others look down upon. You have the strength through your voice and actions to change lives. For you are speaking His words and doing His actions that He has called you to do. You have many gifts weaved within you from above as God stitched you together in your mothers womb. These gifts are apart of you. And others also have their own unique gifts weaved within them. The truth is written in the hearts of man however the truth springs to life in the believers who are born again sealed by God and this undeniable truth cannot be argued, explained, or reasoned with to that of an unbeliever. Through Jesus the believers are reborn into the spirit. Obtained through truth of the light and repentance continually and by the blood,,,,,,, the precious blood of Christ. Just as Father and Son were reunited so to also shall the body of Christ be reunited with our Father through the Son. Praise be to His Name for ever and ever… God bless you.