Where Goest Thou
2/1/25 10:05 PM
Who Hath Believed Our Report
Today, I received this word 1 Feb 25
Is not my word like as a fire in your heart or a hammer that breaketh the rocks within your heart?
My people ignore my words, they misuse my words for themselves and they change not their ways. You pray for your food, yet your heart is full of lust and greed. When will you amend your ways? Amend every step you walk, turn from those vain thoughts that dwell in your hearts, which draw you far from me.
Is your life a reflection of my word? Are you a person who walks with me. A person who has made me, the Lord of their life. Not one percent, not 10 percent, but all of you. All your stuff is mine, all your heart is mine! Do you let churches guilt you into giving money to them?
Have you considered I’m not in that unclean church?
When I say stop, do you continue?
When I say read my word, do you continue to watch TV?
When I say, go to bed. Do you continue to waste your time?
When I say wake up, when I have something to say! Do you say, I’m tired and rollover
When I say get up I need you to stand in the gap for someone. why do you continue to sleep? What type of soldier is this? You are undisciplined, and not ready for hardships!
When I tell you to turn off those lying prophets, do you continue to believe their lies? Who do you trust? Why don’t you read my word before you go to bed?
When I remind you to clean your house, do you repent? Do you scrub your heart clean? Do you clean your garment with the blood of the Lamb? Do you lay your cares on the altar before the Father (Lord of Hosts)? or fill your heart with hate and disappointment
Does this sound like a person who made me Lord? Are you mine, why do you operate under your own power?
If I speak to you as a child, teaching you truth, why did you assume you’re now a prophet? I didn’t call you, i was talking to you.
Why do you misuse my word, to claim titles that are not yours to take?
Are you secretly talking to angels every night, thinking they are from me? I gave them no message for you. I will speak to you directly when I need to.
Why do you think you are one of the 144. Are you a virgin Hebrew male with no guile? Then you’re not qualified and full of pride! A woman is not qualified for this job, mainly because your heart would be tricked very easily like Eve, and you would run off with those fallen angels. Can you imagine, the mess you would make having children with fallen angels if you were anointed as one of the 144K? This is why no male, who ever had a woman can be in this classification, because those men would be tricked by fallen ones as well. They are pure evil. The 144, they must be pure in all ways. read my word, they must be free completely of women. This means directly, the 144k can’t be a woman. Is there ever a time recorded that the women of the city answered the call of a trumpet and fought the enemy?
So consider woman, If you hear you are one of the 144k, then you are hearing from a lying spirit. repent and get clean. Be a prayer warrior for me!
Now, are you looking for messages that smooth your guilty heart, ones that let you sleep one more night under conviction? Why live this way?
You listen to motivational (preachers) speakers, who “speak” for me, do they say romantic prosperity gospel themes? Do they tell you love letter from me? Can you find such things in red letters?
Do they tell you to amend your ways
Do they tell you to repent for lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life?
Did they tell you only a very small percentage of the church gets to heaven, and because the rested walk in sin and are an abomination before the Father!
So you give to a church that promises to win souls, yet nobody ever shows up to that church. Empty and vain lies! learn my word and tell them yourselves of me!
Tell them to accept me and turn from all sins in their life; repent and be clean.
This means—> you stay away from porn forever, this means you stay away from fornication and adultery….forever. If you don’t repent, you will not be accepted, if you’re doing such things when the rapture happens, you will suffer! are you sure you’re
ready for his return? NO TICKET IS PUNCHED! Until you’re in heaven, you’re not there yet!
Tell them to accept me and make me Lord of their lives!
Repentance is turning 180 degrees in the other direction from that sin. If it’s fornication, you stop it. If it’s stealing, you don’t do it again! If it’s hate, you forgive and let go! If you owe someone money, repay them and tell them, I’m sorry I didn’t pay you back right away!
All of heaven is watching and proud of you for repenting, stay clean and read your word. Wait for me, don’t rush into a battle you’re not trained for. Anyone teaching you spiritual warfare is probably not from me, they are witches and warlocks, trying to get you killed by the enemy because you have not repented and you are doing your work in your pride. You will die in your sins! Stop and wait for me! I will train you and lead you on what to do and how to do it.
Children, are you repenting daily, are you fasting and praying daily? Why do you want to pick a fight with the enemy? your not ready! Ask the Father for the right people to teach you. How does the book of revelations say you overcome the enemy?
who hath believed our report
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