Welcome to Nineveh, Jonah. Are you bringing good news?
1/8/25 4:50 PM
Steve Holmes
Luke 12:20 But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’
It is January 8th, 2025, and this entire nation is in the crosshairs of destruction and death. Humble yourselves right this instant! Today is your “Nineveh warning,” America, and I am as Jonah to tell you your destruction draws nigh, and if persevering with God in repentance isn’t enough to convince him that we are truly repentant as a nation, then Revelation 18 will not be delayed, and God has warned me for a week that Trump’s life is being weighed in the balance TODAY. Ignore this warning and Harris will be sworn in.
In the spirit, I am hearing God say, “America, mother of harlots and abominations in the earth: you have been weighed in the balance of God’s righteous judgments and found wanting! This day, your peace, prosperity and president are required of you!”
For the love of God and all that is holy, take your filthy shoes off, get on your face in the blood of Jesus and pray, not for more time, but for forgiveness and a new, clean heart! Keep interceding! Keep confessing sin! Repent of making Trump, MAGA, the USA, guns, the supreme court, your “rights” and politics your idols/”gods”!
Repent for allowing wickedness to take over this country. This is not a “nation of laws”; it is a nation of evil, rebellion against God, idolatry, pornography, lust, crime, independent from God, lack of humility, abandonment of Godly principles, choices and behaviors; troublemaking, witchcraft, lies, manipulation, bad faith, irresponsible debt spending, provocations, war mongering, fascism, depravity, unilateral bullying, contempt, Satan worship, misogyny, racism, impunity, hatred, arrogance, fornication, adultery, delusions of grandeur, dishonest money, whoring, mocking God, sowing seeds of violence and murder, self justification, unholiness, filthy and corrupt communications, implacable stubbornness, cultish control, selfishness, neglect of the poor, widows and orphans, slavery, incest, beastiality, pedophilia, sex trafficking, perversions of every possible kind, defiance genocide, hooliganism, infidelity, truce breaking, defining God’s word, evil inventions, abortions, brutality, disregard for human life, ignoring suffering, celebrations of sin and evil, hedonism, terrorism, seekers of pleasure rather than seekers of God, pontificating, boasting, corrupt judgment, bribery, theft, daring to demand “God bless America” with the blood of Jesus and countless human beings on our hands, condoning mass murders, selling death machinery for profit, biological and nuclear war, honoring and exalting those who are evil, granting pardons and commutations to the wicked who have not repented, mocking and threatening the righteous, and depriving the just of justice.
God is listening for your confessions and examining your hearts to see if you are truly turning away from sin TODAY. Do NOT fail him! Perhaps if enough unrighteous people turn from sin today, God will relent and protect this nation once again from destruction. But I am certain of this: if WE THE PEOPLE do not take accountability and responsibility for angering him beyond measure, we will be stripped bare before heaven and earth.
Please, I beg of you: take this warning seriously and repent! Millions of lives and souls are dependent upon it!
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