America, Destruction, Judgment, Vision, Word


Photos courtesy Depositphotos


1/14/25 2:17 PM
Handmaid of the Most High
Matthew 24:15-18 KJV
When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand): [16] Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: [17] Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: [18] Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.

Received January 13, 2025,10:36 PM -11:32 PM

Greetings – Those of you have been reading my prophetic witnesses for the past five years, know that sometimes God will use popular songs to get my attention – and yours…and it always amazes me how He will make them apply to a present circumstance for which the originator did not intend or even imagine. As you read this, you will see the Holy Spirit at work in these lyrics. For your perusal, I have included links to the lyrics to bear further witness to the Word received, they are at the bottom of the post.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Just as I finished writing an email to a friend, discussing the Judgment that is fully being delivered to the people of the United States, I heard the song from my era, “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet”.

I met a devil woman,
She took my heart away,
She said I had it coming too me,
But I wanted it that way
You ain’t seen nothing yet,
B B B Baby you ain’t seen nothing yet
Here’s something you never gonna forget
B B B Baby you ain’t seen nothing yet

I knew the Holy Spirit was referencing: The Hurricanes, the fires, the mysterious fog that brings unidentifiable white debris of undetermined origin.

Then I had a flash vision –

Oh, it is as if the spigot has been turned up to full blast hot. I see a kitchen sink with the faucet on and suddenly it changes to a fire plug at full blast! The hot water burns and a cloud, a wave of heat rises into the air.

Then He Spoke –

America, the once beautiful, is soon going to look like a war zone, and then it will be one! Yes, it is right around the corner.

The golden one, the one you have anointed (for I have surely NOT), is coming with a “bag of goodies”, that will horrify many. He is in full agreement and is in lock step with the elites to bring about their world wide system of government. Get ready. Here He comes. Soon your neighbors to the North and South will be part of your assigned region of power and circumstance. Why do you think I have had the government hire Spanish speaking people? So, they can be of service to your Mexican siblings.

Oh, children, they will cut a swath of devastation upon your land. More fires, more bad storms, more earthquakes, more pestilence and more disease. It is all on the table to be used as a weapon against the average citizen. Did they not tell you that you are a useless eater? They do not need you nor do they want you. You take a form of wealth that they desire (land and resources). It isn’t even about how many islands they own or the number of staff they employ to cater to their every desire. Nope, it is the quest for control that ignites their inner fire. They want more. More control. More pampering. More Toys. More. More. More. It never stops. If they have 10 planes, they want 20. If they have the most expensive car on the road, they want the limited edition that only a few get to have. It is always about more. They can’t get no…satisfaction. Hey hey hey, that’s what I say…{Rolling Stones – Satisfaction}.

Children, they will leave you without even a shirt on your back. They literally want you dead. Now, they are actually keeping tabs on how many different things they can do to get the death toll to climb even higher. They actually play these games and keep a tally and laughing over the stats while they drink themselves to oblivion. They guess what number of dead {will be} for each event. They laugh and throw parties and come up with the most demonically inspired devastation they can imagine.

The stakes are high and getting higher. You will not recognize the nation, these nations will become. Why do you think Trudeau was removed? He was not “necessary” to their plan… anymore.

In future world, you will be required to follow stringent laws. Rules that your ancestor’s, a few decades back would have caused them to march down every major city street in protest. But not now, not you, you have become so reliant upon the grocery store’s goodies over looking the value of fresh fruits and vegetables for things that have been created with all sorts of foreign materials, sending your body into shock trying to get rid of it. It is pleasant to the tongue and woe to the many, who are addicted to it! You have become fat and lazy. No longer do your dogs go on walks or play fetch in the back yard, you hire someone else to entertain them because you can’t be bothered. No longer do your children discover treasures in the woods, or play imaginary characters with their tree limb swords. No, they are sitting in front of a gaming console sipping sodas and eating trash that even bugs don’t want…

When the oppressors come, you will fall on your knees and beg for mercy. But, mercy will not be found. You traded your freedom for pretty, shiny bobs and fobs. I hope you liked them, you gave away your lifestyle for them. Was it worth it to carry a thousand dollar purse to impress people you don’t even like? Is your designer dog any sweeter than the mutt you could get at the pound? All these things kept you entertained and distracted from getting to know Me and My Ways.

Yet, some who read these words, only to dismiss them because it is too frightening to imagine that things will get worse.

The medications you have relied upon to make you feel better will soon be cut off from you unless you are clever and resourceful (and have some extra funds stashed away). Prepare to learn how to deal with scarcity. Learn new ways to cope with the new way of being. Things like laundry and dishwashers will become obsolete when there is no power – in some instances a week or months, for others permanently.

The race for some is coming to an end. The disasters I have foretold through my true witnesses and prophets are surely coming.

Departure at Gate One or Gate Two.
Heaven or Hell.
You pick.
There are no second chances…
You can’t change your mind once you issue your last breath.

Ready or Not, HERE I COME!

What’s it gonna be? You are not ready for that hour. I said you aren’t ready. You, who find this message superfluous, those of you who just want to check the box of “another Doom and Gloom prophet”, WAKE UP! It is for you, that this message is given.

Your favorite “Christian Guru” isn’t going to share this, after all, you may not send in your monthly gift. Heaven forbid that they can’t go out to their favorite resort for a long weekend…Just sit back and close your eyes, and they will give you some more pablum{mushy cereal for young children}. Must not wake the sleeping sheep. Go ahead and skip that part about the virgin without oil in her lamp. Matthew 25:1-13

It’s time to blab it and grab it!

Happy Days are here again, the skies above are clear again
Let us sing a song of cheer again …..happy days are here again.
Link to lyrics below

Nope, not gonna happen. Your “new” servants are every bit despicable and as evil as any monster in a horror film. You have no clue what these people do in private. You would be shocked! Wicked doesn’t even touch the surface. But nah, it’s all good. Donnie is back!

In very real time, you will need a Savior like never before. Grab your Bible and actually open it. Then once you finish one page, turn it and read some more. For I tell you, it has the issues of life within it. Proverbs 4:23 You will learn how wicked humanity has become and how I have to judge it. The wickedness perpetrated by many, as they spend hours in front of their computers looking at naked children having all manner of wickedness done to them beyond what you, even with your carnal mind, can not imagine.

You, woman are no different, you just choose to read or watch filthy movies about people “hooking up”. Remember I said that if you entertain the thought, you are every bit as guilty as those who do that evil. Matthew 5:28 Let that sink in.

Did I not say, “The Heart is desperately wicked, who could know it?” Jeremiah 17:9 Indeed. Yet, you allow these child sex trafficking rings to operate in your very community and do not demand an account. Do you not know that those who are paid to enforce the laws, are often the perpetrators? Look what just happened in Kentucky?! Did I not say, that all that is done in darkness will be exposed to the light? Yet, you still hold tight to those caught red handed. T. D. Jakes, what have you done with My Son? Did I not say, “Bad company corrupts good character?” 1 Corinthians 15:33 What in the world were you doing with P. Diddy? I know.

You, who teach others, do you not realize, that I know every thought, every word and every action?

I am with you in the most private of moments!


Let that sink in for a minute.





~Handmaid of the Most High~ Acts 2:17-18

Prayer Request: Please pray for healing of respiratory illness. Also for finances. Thank you!

B.T.O. (Bachman-Turner Overdrive) – You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet Lyrics |

The Rolling Stones – (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction Lyrics |

Happy Days Are Here Again lyrics

The Holy Spirit said to review all the lyrics and especially the chorus “Your cares and troubles are gone, there will be no more, from now on”

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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