Warning to Kenya PART3
March 13, 2021 3:15 AM
Sammy Omosh
[part 1 and 2 given in june2020]
Pls bro jonathan post this urgently this last warning urgently as am giving out faithfully,no blood in my hands,as obeying the lord in a span of 9 months.
On 12th march2021 i woke up at 4:16am from this dream-I FOUND MYSELF IN KISUMU CITY,and there was heavy police presence everywhere.i found myself in kibuye-kondele area and the ground everywhere was covered in burn,t ash,and no trace of a single human being within the vicinity.
You will be in a total lockdown inside your houses for sometime till normalcy resumes.The G.S.U will be called to give security reinforcement[i identified them with their signature red bets].I then saw everyone searched physically on entering and exiting buildings.Previously i have seen police erecting barricades near residential areas in Nairobi,and the password to passing will be your National identification card.There will be massive chaos in Kisumu and other towns in kenya,so take note,no place will be entirely safe.Safety is in CHRIST JESUS.
1)stock up on dry food,those with along shelf life,plus water.
2)cultivate a small vegetable garden im your yard;it may come in handy.
3).Carrry your I .D with you while travelling and going to your work places.
4)Don,t look at the sheduled political timetable,as the timing of this event.No,it,s a sudden,unexpected turn of events that was foreseen and came suddenly.
5)To be stress free don,t engage in unnecessary politics,pray and stay in the word.Don,t idolise those political figures,they are just men who need the messiah in their lives.
6)Don,t let your guard down now,coz the timing of this event is beckoning at the door.Continue heeding the warnings by other watchmen,coz time is far much spent.The timing of this event may come hand in hand with fulfillment of other dozen prophecies given here.There may be a chain reaction of events fulfillment,so don,t look at a particular one only.
7)Don,t be lullled to sleep by sweet messages coming out of our pulpits in this nation and around the world.
KENYA have i not warned you as commanded by the lord of lords and king of kings.If you scoff and mock the warning then take your coke and some popcorn and wait for the Action thriller that will entertain your ego as the ADVERTS end and the much hyped movie,is not far off from PLAYING.
Read EZEK7:1-27 Jer7:8-28 and Isaiah3:10-26.
The grace of the lord jesus be with you.Bro Sammy.