End Times, Prophecy, Vision

WAR and Glory side by side – Terry Crockett

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

WAR and Glory side by side

9/10/24 10:59 AM
Terry Crockett


Can I make seas to stir, a rock to split or the Heavens to roar? Indeed I do these and more bringing all things into My pleasure.

Can tears fall from Heaven like rain on the Earth? Can rivers be turned into blood and stain the ground it touches?

My Mercies flow in streams touching all it comes into contact with! Like a powerful river moving with such force — craving its own path before it.

Let those who have ears — hear. Days of My Glory on the Earth come with a cost. Not every move of Me is in good times but emerges from the pressures of Seasons and storms all around them —when chaos, WAR and turmoil circles like a storm, upsetting the peace surrounding it.

One can be in the will of God when a storm arises. For remembering My disciples were following My instructions getting into the boat and go the other side when a violent storm arose hindering the Lord’s will from being done.

Why Am I telling and reminding you again but to say this . . .

What sound do I hear off in the distance but rustling of leaves. Something has disturbed the atmosphere causing the leaves to be restless. The invisible is spilling over into the ream of reality right where you live.

Signs start to come out of no where, at first glance, then another and another arising as if they had been dead but now are being stirred and commanded to live and arise.

The is something rumbling under the Earth like a Holy disturbance. I see old scrolls, piercing out of the Earth that have been lying dormant in the ground —now hearing the sound “Arise, out of your resting place”. I see these scrolls —now with wings flying up ascending, called up into Heaven as if a portal has open, allowing them entrance into Heaven’s Gate, commanded to fly into the Book open before them. As they ascend to their destination, one by one they enter into the Golden pages, illuminating the Devine manuscript becoming brighter and brighter until the Book glows with TRUTH. A marriage of the Prophet’s Word coming into their Destiny in the Book of Kings.

And I see the One setting upon the Throne who governs times and seasons, take His staff and lift it up pounding it into the ground beneath Him, speaking “It is finished. Let the days be set and the End proceed and Let My Son return to gather the saved, filling the Earth with Glory and grace”.

Amen you have heard TRUTH today in your hearing.

Amen, so be it!

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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