By Deborah Waldron Fry
March 29, 2018
In a vision, I saw the Blood of Jesus flowing gently, as if in water. It was sparkling and full of life. This Blood was beautiful. And I heard,” The Life is STILL in the Blood.”
“Beloved. Be encouraged. The Blood the enemy sees upon you is not your own, but MINE. The enemy must PASS OVER you when he sees it. The Blood of the Lamb was shed for you. Not only for forgiveness of sins, but to give you LIFE and health. The Blood is still speaking a better word, My Child. The Blood is still working. It is ALIVE. Does not My word say that you overcome by the Blood of the Lamb? Oh yes, Dear One, have no fear. The Lamb of God was your Perfect Sacrifice. The Blood of the Lamb covers you and stands at your defense. It has been sprinkled on the Mercy Seat of Heaven. I have declared that “It is finished.” The King of Glory has rescued you. You have died to the old man and the Blood of the Lamb has made you a NEW creation, My Child. My DNA runs in your veins. My Holy Spirit quickens your mortal body. You have entered the Holy of Holies by the NEW and Living Way. The Blood of the Lamb is Holy and it is ALIVE. The Blood cries out to your Father, Dear One. It cries out, “Mercy”. It cries out “Healing and Strength”. It cries out, “Deliverance”. The Blood cries out “Restoration and NEW LIFE”. The wounds of Your Savior shall heal your broken body and soul as you trust in Me. Hear the sweet Voice crying out for you, Beloved. I have bought you with a price, My Love. Believe in the POWER of the Blood of Jesus. By the Precious Blood of the Lamb, you shall overcome!