By Dumitru Duduman
December 5, 1989
I had just returned home from Wisconsin. Every time I prayed, a very big star would appear in front of me. This happened about sixteen times in a period of a few days. Every time the star would appear, it would make a great noise and I would always tremble. For a few seconds it would just stand up high and then, at great speed it would fall to the ground! I prayed together with my family for an answer.
After the 16th time, the answer came. I heard a voice say, “Do you see this star? It represents America. This is how fast the fall of America will be! As fast as that star fell!”
Then the voice said, “I love the Christians in this country because of all the good deeds they have done, and for the help they have given those in need. I blessed this country so other people would be fed from it.”
The voice also said, “There will be a time of preparation for the people. The ones who need to repent should do it now, before it is too late. The time without trouble will last until the total number of the chosen is fulfilled.” (Obadiah 1:4)
My prayer is that God will have mercy on this nation.