Warning, Death, Prophecy, Vision, War, Word

VISION: THE LAND IS DESOLATE – Handmaid of the Most High

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


9/7/24 10:26 PM
Handmaid of the Most High

9/7/2024 11:07PM

“Because she has betrayed my people, I have given her over to her enemy.”

“The Mighty Dragon is about to roar. It waits in the wings while the Bear runs to the fight. Who will survive these two?”

Then immediately, I have a flash vision —

Vision –

I see a sea of blood and the corpses of many, the Lord didn’t deliver this in technicolor because He knows how sensitive I am to scenes of war and violence. Instead I see everything in various shades of grey except the red blood is puddled inches high.

Nothing stirs but battle sounds are far in the distance of war being enacted. Bombs and guns rage in the distance as battle advances in a Northeast direction.

I know in my Spirit that it will continue to move across the ground of America until it is laid waste.

Revelation 14:20 KJV

~Handmaid of the Most~

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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