Vision of Violent Tornadoes coming to Midwest and Weather Outbreaks
March 28, 2020 11:36 PM
Monique Bizet
Bless you brothers and sisters
Sharing a dream I had this week about judgments and strong tornadoes coming to the Midwest and tornado alley. I know that this is the season for storms, but I felt led by the Lord to share this for us to pray and get right with the Lord. I believe is not just physical storms but also the spiritual storms coming to the church, the strong persecution, the rise of the antichrist and mark where we neither can buy or sell. We have to be ready to not love our lives to the very death.
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bless you brothers and sisters I want to share a very short vision that I had the last week of March 2020 and it has to do with what you’re seeing on your screen with tornadoes and extreme weather and so
thank you Heavenly Father for bringing us together lord I thank you for the opportunities I thank you for your dreams and visions and thank you for your word and your precious holy son Lord I ask that you touch your people Lord and that you give us our discernment in these last days that you give us understanding that you will speak to us in your mighty ways and help us to heed your warnings Lord and the mighty name of Jesus let it be your precious Holy Spirit that speaks through me in Jesus name
and so the vision that I had was I essentially was looking through windows and as I looked out I could see several tornadoes but like really massive and it was more than one somewhat bigger some were smaller and they were pretty massive I could see the thundering the lightning and-and-and the tempest coming okay and so the Lord had put it in my heart to to warn the people that this is coming to the Midwest this is coming to Tornado Alley which is comprised of many states and so again it’s not to put in fear and anyone but it’s just for us to get prepared and get our houses in order and so today as I’m looking at the news I see this article is talking about 70 million under severe weather threat including tornadoes and hail I saw I thought it would be important to give this warning out immediately as the Lord leads and so just basically Ariz severe storms including possible tornadoes and hail are expected to affect the wide portions of the United States on Saturday over 70 million America’s faced the threat of severe weather today with the greatest threat for a significant weather outbreak covering roughly 45,000 square miles including Chicago Metro this was by CNN delicious Derrick Van Damme all weather modeling points to a significant severe weather outbreak for portions of the Midwest today in my vision the Lord did not give me a date I do not give dates so I’m not saying that that the vision that he gave me is for four Saturdays I’m telling you that this I’m just wanting to share and blow the trumpet I do not know if this is the warning that has to do with the Lord that he gave me but big massive tornadoes and weather outbreaks are coming on top of everything that we’re going through so we are seeing judgments come on the land praise you lord and so the threats include tornadoes a few which may be significant large to very large hail and severe wind gusts unseasonally warm and moist air air ahead of a rapidly intensifying low pressure system will fuel the storms which will stretch from the central portion of the country to the Great Lakes of and northeast confidence and increase is increasing for a potentially potent severe weather setup as ingredients needed to be needed for this are appearing to favorably align on Saturday the National Weather Service’s Storm Prediction Center said Friday and again CNN meteorologist dave hennen said the threat of long track violent tornadoes ramped up significantly Saturday afternoon into Sunday into Saturday evening and that was what caught my eye was that the Lord was warning that violent tornadoes are coming and so we pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for mercy for protection over our home our loved ones over all these areas for we do not want these things to come and so but but so we pray for the Lord to give us protection if we look at the 70 million people in the US are under a severe weather threat that includes tornadoes and hail they’ve got a little recording if you want to go watch it yourself and just basically says the same thing that I just went over and so just be aware that that these things are coming we’re in the season for tornado especially in tornado alley areas and so may the Lord bless you may the Lord protect you wherever you’re at may you be safe may you be healthy I speak life into your lives I love you guys I bless you I pray for you I I pray special blessings of health into each one of your your your bodies your families and that the Lord will keep us protected in this season of pestilence and and so much crisis that is happening and so Thank You Heavenly Father and it’s we got to be walking with the Lord and be saved get serious with the Lord I say this very often but it’s such an urgency in my heart and in my spirit that we are walking so close with the Lord so many things are coming at us so many different things are coming against the whole world and we’re seeing the the rice of the beast we’re seeing that revelation 13 coming to fruition we’re seeing all kinds of things folks in prophecy in the book of Revelation book of Matthew 24 mark 13 Luke 21 the book of daniel things that are starting to shape up they were in the and great sorrows great the the the great sorrows that the Lord spoke about in Matthew 24 and so I bless you I love you and until soon again Lord willing in Jesus mighty name going peace and get saved if you’re not saved make this today the day that you fall on your knees and you repent to the Lord and ask him to come into your heart and it’s not just saying a prayer and then you keep doing what you did in your before it is your new creation in Christ Jesus once you receive the Lord and so now you walk in him you read your word get in his word and and and do the word of God thank you Father think your heavenly Father and you do the commandments of the Lord I have bless you in Jesus mighty name take care