
Vision #54  – The Black Train – Sharlene R

Sharlene R

Vision #54 – The Black Train

April 7/18 evg

From the Throne Room I went to the vision area. I took my regular path and met my friend and we turned to look at the screen. It opened up to a huge black old fashioned train moving fast and furious from the right to the left. I saw more of the front of it than the whole train but it flew by me at a great force. Then a red dragon appeared above the train. It was very detailed in appearance and it was looking east to my left. Then a map of Asia appeared and I saw that old fashioned black train as it was travelling across China and moving towards the Middle-East. I understood it represented power. Then a grizzly bear filled the screen and with the bear was a picture of Putin. Then the Chinese flag filled the screen. The map of Asia appeared again and I saw black arrows point to Israel. Then I saw the red dragon and the bear were together. Then I heard a voice say, “There is not much time left.” And I understood that things are moving at a very fast pace. I also heard Jesus say, “Continue to pray for Israel.”

Hope note – Sharlene sent me this picture and said the train looked like this only totally black. Train


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