Abide In Me and I in you
I Will Continue to Shake the Nations! It Will Get Worse
Ministering To A Man In Hospital Bed
The Scroll
Vision #271
March 3, 2021 11:42 AM
Sharlene Reimer
Mar 02/21 Tues evg Word From God
I was praising and worshiping the Lord Jesus in His Throne Room where I always do. I declared the scriptures of who His is (from Rev 4 and 5) and sang songs related to those verses. I began to pray and when I came to proclaiming Ps 91, I climbed my mountain, saw myself in my armour, and helped another warrior up, and went with my eagle. I found myself in a hospital room. There was a man in the bed unconscious hooked up to monitors. My perspective was seeing from the foot of the bed but further away. Jesus was standing at the corner of the foot of the bed to my left. I began to pray for this man’s salvation. I took authority over the spirit of death to wait and declared life over him as God willed then pleaded that Jesus to give this man more time. I asked that Jesus would reveal Himself to him and then told the man to open his eyes. He did and he looked to his right. I did not see any change in his facial expression. (I believe this was not my doing but Jesus allowed it). I sang: “Softly and Gently Jesus is Calling.” I spoke the love of Jesus and life and reconciliation in Him. I repented on his behalf for the sin that I knew of and pleaded for his soul. I gave him to Jesus for I did all I knew to do.
Back at the white bench, I asked Jesus about the man in the hospital bed. Did he see You when I asked him to open his eyes? Jesus replied: “Yes, daughter.” Jesus smiled. I am wondering if I know of this man? And I understood that I know of him but have not met him. I know who it is but am not allowed to give his name. (it is not someone famous)
I went over to the stairs and looked down at my greeter group but I noticed that there was only one greeter! I was surprised. I went down the stairs and happily greeted my original greeter and asked Jesus where everyone was? He replied: “Things are changing, daughter.” I was a little alarmed and wondered if I had done something wrong and Jesus reassured me that it was all good. He walked down the stairs and accompanied me while I walked. We walked past the vision area and towards the Council of God room but we went past that room too. I was wondering now where we were going. I noticed a glow in the distance of golden yellowish hue. I walked into a huge room that was golden but yet, was hued to me as if veiled so I couldn’t see its brilliance. I stood there unsure of anything. I questioned what was going on and Jesus said to be patient and wait. So I did. Someone approached me. It was an angel. He gave me a scroll. My view changed and I saw me open the scroll and look at it. Then I was me and I saw the opened scroll in my hands but I couldn’t read it as the page was blurry. I asked Jesus what does it say? And He told me: “I will reveal that in My time. Be patient and go in peace.” There is a mystery. I will wait.
Mar 03/21 This is a 2 part vision. Word from God
This am I was before God in His temple. A cloud of fire was before me and white steps. I was bowed low before the steps. God came as the giant Lion and stood on top of the steps. He looked down at me and then roared. It was deafening! The temple shook. I shook. It was a warning.
And He said: “Abide in Me. Remain in Me; I in you and you in Me or you will be cut off! Tell the people daughter, that I will continue to shake the nations. It will get worse! But if you abide in Me and I in you, you will be safe and My joy in you will be complete. Do not fear. Abide in Me! Now go in peace.” He reminded me John 15- the vine and the branches.