URGENT PROPHETIC WORD: Predictive Programming Movie….a Call for Prayer
December 16, 2023 11:58 AM
Elizabeth Marie
It is probably one of the greatest ‘predictive programming‘ that I have ever seen, or heard about.
After watching it, I then heard a RHEMA WORD, from the LORD. The HOLY SPIRIT came upon me, with GREAT URGENCY, and SADNESS because of the plans that satan has for America. I felt such sorrow in my spirit, and then I heard this:
“The enemy has shown his hand by revealing his plans…..now pray against it!”
We often see this PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING in commercials, TV shows, movies, ect. Those, with power, and authority, ‘leak out‘ what is coming…..not necessarily to warn, but to uphold their CODE that says that they have a duty to, somehow, reveal their plans, in part, before carrying them out.
If this is true, then this can be a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY for the believers in CHRIST….especially for the PRAYER WARRIORS and INTERCESSORS, to be praying AGAINST any wicked and evil plans that want to come against our country, family, friends, and fellow believers.
The LORD, then reminded me how the BERLIN WALL was taken down after serious INTERSESSION PRAYER that had occured a few weeks before. You can read a few articles about this that are listed at the end of this Blog.
In 1989, the Berlin Wall came down, and the Cold War was over. Back then, the LORD used HIS people to break down the barriors of Communism through intercession prayer. We can see that MIRACLES can, and do happen through the POWER OF COLLECTIVE PRAYER….. by those who are petitioning the LORD in the realm of justice, truth, and rigtheosness.
There were many times in the Bible where GOD’s people CRIED out to the LORD, by humbling themselves, and repenting…..and the LORD heard and relented in bringing judgment! The best exampe is when the people of Ninevah, collectively, as a whole country, repented and fasted. The LORD heard, and did not bring upon Ninevah the disaster that planned:
“Then God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God relented from the disaster that He had said He would bring upon them, and He did not do. Jonah.” 3:10
However, today, it seems to be no one willing, or able to STAND in the GAP, as we seeing the decline of America, as well as the Western World.
In Ezekiel 22:30-31, it speaks about how the LORD is looking for HIS people to STAND IN THE GAP before HIS judgment falls on the land…..but there was no one!
“I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one. So I will pour out my wrath on them and consume them with my fiery anger, bringing down on their own heads all they have done, declares the Sovereign Lord.”
Are we seeing the same scenario being played out today? Judgment upon America is here because the Church has let her guard down, and has not done her job in being the Salt that keeps soceity from decaying.
However, it says in the WORD OF GOD, that in the LAST DAYS, there would a LUKEWARM CHURCH that does not see her true condition, because she becomes lazy, and self sufficient in herself, instead of trusting in the LORD. This is the main-stream church of today……full of pride, arrogance, and walking in denial. In GOD’s eyes they have become ‘wretched, pitiful, poor and blind.‘ Basically, they have become POWERLESS and INEFFECTIVE for advancing the KINGDOM of GOD.
‘You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. Revelation 3:17
It is this LUKEWARMNESS, that is leading to an APOSTASY in the Church….and it is this apostasy that becomes the OPEN DOOR for the ANTICHRIST to be revealed.
“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away (‘apostasy’ in the Greek) first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition” 2 Thessalonians 2:3
For those who awake, it is hard to see the Church so asleep, blinded, and in spiritual comatose. They do not see the URGENCY of crying out to GOD, not only for themselves, but for their family, and nation. Where are the true spiritual leaders that should be calling the nation to PRAYER and FASTING during this time of ‘lull before the storm?’
The GOOD NEWS is that the LORD has reserved for HIMSELF a REMNANT of BELIEIVERS that are still true to HIM, as they walk in HIS ways, and are obedient to HIS WORD. These are the ones that HE is knows will come forward to HIS calling, and to take their stand as INTERCESSORS, STANDING IN THE GAP.
And, I beieve, that GOD is calling HIS REMNANT PEOPLE to be a TRUE INTERCESSORS now…..not tomorrow!
Derek Prince, who was a great man of GOD, defined well what an TRUE INTERCESSOR is. He then expainss how JESUS was an intercessor, as well as Moses, and Abraham. Here is his description of a TRUE INTERCESSOR from from his articles called, “Standing in the Gap.”
“Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men.” (1 Timothy 2:1)
“Paul tells us that the first priority of a Christian assembly is prayer. He mentions various forms of prayer, of which one is intercession. To intercede means literally “to come in between.” The intercessor is one who comes in between God and those who deserve His just wrath and punishment. The intercessor lifts his hands to God and says, “God, these deserve Your judgment; You have every right to smite them; but if You smite them, You will have to smite me first, because I am standing in between You and them.
In the Old Testament we find various accounts of cities and nations being spared divine judgment through the ministry of an intercessor.” [4]
I believe that the ‘Rhema Word’ that I received, (above), is a CALL FOR THE INTERCESSORS to come forward in PRAYER like never before!! It is a call for humbling overselves, seeking the LORD, and prayer, like it says in 2 Chronicldes 7:14! There is a HOPE, and a PROMISE that has been given to all believers in CHRIST, that there is POWER in PRAYER.…especially when it is done in unison! When we do this, the LORD will come, and RAISE UP A STANDARD against the FLOOD of EVIL that satan has sent against us!
“When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him.” Isaiah 59:19
Saints of GOD, let us learn how to access this POWER of INTERCESSION PRAYER to the fullest. If we pray effectively, specifically,,and collectively AGAINST the evil plans of satan, and the wicked, we will see such incredible results…..JUST like what happened to the Berlin Wall, and even like the Walls of Jericho! So, let us destroy the works of the devil, by WALKING IN THE SPIRIT, blowing the trumpets, praying, and proclaiming, victory over the enemy, through JESUS CHRIST, our LORD and SAVIOR!!
[1] The End of the Berlin Wall; the Result of Prayer