Upheavel, Collapse, Plauges, Who Will You Trust?
July 7, 2022
Angela Lynne
Received 6:30 am central time on 7/7/2022
This is the GREAT I AM speaking. The Alpha and Omega, through My daughter, Angela Lynne. She is at her halfway point of her 2nd 40 day water fast for ME. To serve My people. There is Great Upheaval taking place in every facet of your society. Nationwide in the US and globally. This is all planned and orchestrated by the Global Elite who serve Lucifer. All the gun shootings. Planned Plagues – Planned This is not My wrath yet, but I AM and will use this to bring in Revival and a great mighty harvest Again I say, I will heal and deliver all those that REPENT for taking the snake bites no matter their circumstances, but they must lay down their pride, adultery and fear. Pray for them MY people! Again, I need to make it clear. My people and all those in darkness and delusion have no clue how bad it is going to get for a few seasons. This is why for years I have been warning to prepare spiritually and physically. The time is here when all will collapse. It has already been happening. Where does your faith lie? Are you prepared to endure? or will you succumb to the mass panic, fear, chaos and confusion? because you can not be about MY business if you do. Store up your treasures where it will not ruin Great will be the rewards of those that do MY will in this time. And if you are a leader and not warning about the snake bites which are a huge component of the mark of the beast.. his mark is ALL over it! If you are not leading them to repent so I can heal and deliver them… Your candle shall be removed Cowards! The fearful and unbelieving will not enter MY kingdom. Your job is to protect the sheepfold yet you are leading them to slaughter even by your silence. I Am raising up those who will seek to please Me and speak MY words no matter what it seems the consequences may be because they have My love burning inside them and My righteous indignation. Are you in ME? Are you prepared? Many of you will suffer loss in this time. Who will you turn to? I AM here with My Arms wide open to receive you without condemnation I AM a loving Father Abounding in Mercy Forgiveness Undeserving Grace Grace unending IF you humble yourselves and take MY hand The medical industry will not be able to save you with what is coming. What they are releasing What they have Already released ONLY the Great I AM Creator of ALL Can help you now and I want to Will you let me? Savior of the Earth My blood spilled out for your sins What a beautiful gift. The ? is…will you accept? Yahushua Jesus the ONLY MESSIAH
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