
Update: re Vision #339 Canada’s Truck Convoy Protest – Sharlene Reimer

Update: re Vision #339 Canada’s Truck Convoy Protest

February 1, 2022 3:55 PM
Sharlene Reimer

As the world continues to watch what is happening in Canada with the Truckers Convoy, it’s clear that this rising up has motivated other nations to do the same. There are reports of Australia, New Zealand, Trinidad and Tobago, Egypt, Europe: France, Spain, Slovenia, Brazil and other countries around the world that are starting their own convoys. Jesus said in vision #339, “The battle is for the nations.” And indeed it is! Let the people rise up!

Sadly, as many continue to listen to mainstream media; the truth of what is really going on at Parliament Hill in Ottawa, is being suppressed and traded for lies. They are choosing to focus on the few negatives that have been created by mostly people who aren’t even part of the convoy or stories that have been twisted into a fabrication. The police reported no arrests for the entire weekend Jan 29-30/22. This is not the violent protest that PM Trudeau and mainstream media smeared it to become. If you listen to independent media, there is a completely different understanding. I have friends who went to Ottawa for 2 days to see for themselves and report what went on. It’s definitely nothing that the mainstream media is portraying. There are many independent media platforms that have spoken the truth. Two that I have found helpful is: and

The truckers convoy protest has become more than ending the vaxx mandates in this nation. It has lit a fire in Canada that has united us and given us hope. They represent more than the truckers! They are standing up for all who are tired and fed-up with unjust and dictator-like leadership that has divided and oppressed this nation. The liberal government has placed mandates that were not theirs to create in the first place. And out of all this, my prayer is the church will understand that this is a time to wake up and rise up! God has the final say. He says Trudeau will come down. I believe what He says is truth.

As God showed me in the last vision (#340 not 400!), Trudeau’s mountain will crumble and he will be removed. So I say to you o mighty mountain of Trudeau and your unjust government, you will become level ground- you will become a plain. And the captives will be set free in Jesus name! (Zech 4:7)

Continue to intercede! Thank you



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