UPDATE ON HEALTH and Other Matters – Prayer Request
8/24/24 1:48 AM
Handmaid of the Most High
2 Timothy 3:12
Hello Brothers and Sisters,
Quite a lot has happened since my prayer request posted back in April.
As my various health conditions have continued to challenge doctors, I have had six (6) new MRI’s, so far this summer. A new issue which began to trouble me last September, I thought was fibromyalgia related. However, an MRI showed a new unidentified problem on my upper back requiring a CT Scan. Unfortunately, the problem remains undiagnosed. Two MRI’s were ordered in an effort to diagnose the condition, which continues to be quite painful. Though MRI’s 7 and 8 (since late April) were scheduled, the facility broke down a few hours before my appointment and so those tests remain to be done. Please pray for insight and direction for doctors and myself. All MRI’s show serious and rapid degeneration (spine, shoulders, knee) as well as multiple compounding issues in each area (requiring multiple procedures), terms like severe and ‘end-stage’ were used to describe each area and my doctor offering commentary of despair. Surgery is recommended (for each area but because these problems began decades ago and surgery was recommended then, the issues have significantly worsened some due to wear and tear, others because of new injuries and additional car accident injuries). As a result, some surgeons have declined to perform the surgeries. I have been also told that the complexity and severity of these conditions mean the treatment is daunting and outcome uncertain. Likewise, the out of pocket costs connected with the tests and specialists have not finished adding up since some were performed very recently or are scheduled to be performed.
Furthermore, the fall I experienced in March caused new injuries to a severely degenerated knee. After falling, I repeatedly fell while attempting to stand back up due to the property’s sandy soil. As I lay in the dirt, I cried out for help on a blistering, sunny day, when the mail carrier heard me more than a street away and rescued me. The result was two more additional issues to my left knee (there had been 2 issues) requiring imminent surgery. Soon, I will meet with a knee surgeon for next steps (pun intended).
Due to the physical stress of intense pain, which unfortunately does not completely respond to prescribed medications, other body systems are strained and signaling difficulties. Please pray for physicians to do what is needed. Simple physical activities, walking to the bathroom, showering, preparing a sandwich are very challenging and especially painful. I haven’t been able to care for my home at all in more than five years. I spend resources on paid assistance.
Both of my animals have also experienced extreme health challenges and I have known for years that they have been targeted by witches and done much warfare as a result. Please pray with me that they will not succumb to the assaults made against them. The costs have exceeded $1300.
My 22 year old car has also been repeatedly sabotaged this year. In May, at the Holy Spirit’s direction, I took my vehicle to get a minor repair. Now, I had basically ignored this urging by the Holy Spirit for at least a month due to my physical issues. While the car was being serviced, the mechanic came into the waiting room and asked when I had last serviced my car – it was four months ago. He told me the oil cap was missing. What I thought was that he was informing me of an additional charge on my bill so I said ‘okay’. He became even more agitated and said, “You have no oil in your car!”. I said, “Okay, go ahead and add it”. He said, “Your engine should have exploded!” Then, I understood why I was directed to get service on the car. Since then, three additional matters have surfaced this summer, all obvious and intentional acts to cause my car to malfunction. Once again, proving that the Lord has continued to protect me from death. Since then, there has been at least two other sabotages immediately after the work was completed. In addition, my most recent visit of this week, revealed additional repair work now needed (not connected with sabotage). I’ve spent a little over $2500 mostly age related repairs (timing belt, brakes, lights,etc) since May and other needed repairs still to be completed between $600-$1000.
In ‘other news’, both my washer (purchased used about 5 years ago) and my 38 year old stove which came with the house both stopped working and needed replacement this summer, I found the lowest priced replacements which totaled $1270. Other needed work done this summer added another $1500. expenses.
Spiritually, the attacks that come against me have been so severe, at times, it is like the attacks when I first broke free from the “I” more than 32 years ago. As, I have shared before my home is constantly monitored and when I leave, I never know what will have been stolen from the premises, while I am gone. Often expensive items are stolen or sabotaged particular anything related to pain relief or medical benefit. However, linens, underwear, clothing, food, cleaning supplies, office supplies, dog toys, nothing is off limits to these perps. At times, phone calls and emails are not received by me, likewise, those that I attempt are often not received by the intended person/business. My online accounts are frequently sabotaged as well and I often need assistance from friends to circumvent, which doesn’t always work either. Please pray that the enemy (human and other entities as well as AI) would not even be able to monitor my actions. That the evil plans and attempts to carry them out by evil ones would ricochet back to them so that they will realize the power of the Living God of all and see that the god they serve is powerless in comparison. That all attempts to sabotage my efforts in my life and the work God has called me to especially on behalf of the sheep would not be successful.
Also, if you know how I can electronically remain “hidden” using a VPN and can assist me in the process please reach out.
Despite hiring a cleaner, I have 5 different bug infestations. The Holy Spirit showed me that two were brought into my home and placed in an area I seldom visit by those stalking me. Unfortunately, I have been using store bought preparations to battle but have unsuccessful in eliminating them. The battle that has been several years now, seems to only keep things from running rampant. I am very sensitive to chemicals and the methods advised by pest control companies are very expensive and may trigger a reaction in me.
The attacks on my financial accounts have been particularly ugly. Several monthly accounts charging my credit card on file gets changed by my stalkers, so that automatic payments are not being processed (because the information they are entering is for closed accounts) which then put the accounts past due. Two businesses, where this has been going on for more than a year, can not provide me with any reason why this has been happening for so many times. Furthermore, I can’t access ANYTHING to order on the internet with one exception, it is an illuminati owned business (nearly all American’s go to this “River”) and often items I haven’t ordered are sent to my home, thus I am paying and receiving things I don’t need! Phone calls and emails are also blocked from being sent, as well as received. This makes it very hard to interact with businesses (doctor’s, hospitals, etc) especially out of area since driving to conduct business is impossible.
I humbly ask for your prayers. To those, who do pray for me, thank you, I am not sure if you realize how powerful they are. Sometimes, the big things happen after certain topics are posted. I am informed that the details shared are so significant that satan has been personally notified and issued orders to harm me. The days of darkness upon the earth are deepening. The true prophets do experience trouble for their efforts. The enemy is using every tool he has to deceive the masses and those who shatter his work are targeted. I know many watchmen (women) get backlash for their efforts, the thing that makes my attacks sometimes more extreme is because satan counted on me serving him and he is a sore loser. Who one day soon be the ultimate loser.
If you feel led to donate an offering or tithe, one time or monthly contribution please reach out to the webmaster, Jonathan Theiben for contact information. His details are on the homepage on the right hand column. This is preferred to the GiveSendGo Account due to outside issues.
I am very grateful to all of you that have reached the end of this email. God Bless You for your prayers and donations. I pray for your needs to be met and your loved ones saved. I ask God to bless you with more (not just financial!) of Him. May you have more favor, more harmony, more peace and more insight into God’s glorious future for you. If you have donated to me before and I did not respond to thank you personally, there may have been obstacles beyond my control, please forgive me and THOSE who created the problem. Thank you.
Your Servant,
~Handmaid of the Most High~
Photos courtesy Depositphotos