(Interpretation of Greyhound – IMPOSSIBLE ‘Stream’ – Harvesting)
February 17, 2022 10:32 PM
Averine Pennington
I must declare to you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, that this dreamer and writer is being changed day by day into a bold warrior for our Lord and King, Jesus Christ. I am amazed, over and over again, by the changes that have occurred in me since that day in April, 2019, when our Lord made it evident that His coming is SOON! I literally heard a SHOUT from heaven to WAKE ME UP! You see, like Jonah, I was in the boat, but I was SLEEPING! Once I was AWAKENED, in the spiritual sense, I could never go back to sleep again! My pursuit of growing closer to my Lord and preparing for His soon coming became what some might call an obsession. All else in my life paled in comparison to my ‘return to my FIRST LOVE.’
Sometimes, I still find myself questioning whether I am truly hearing from the Lord. This doubting is an attack of the enemy. He wants to shut me up so I will be ineffective against His forces of darkness. I must take my stand against all the fiery darts of the wicked sent my way. I know who I am in Christ, and I must shout from the rooftops what He reveals to me. I must apologize to my readers for taking the easy way out a couple of days ago. The Holy Spirit impressed on my spirit an interpretation of the 3-part dream posted on this site on 2-15-22 entitled “Greyhound – IMPOSSIBLE ‘Stream’ – Harvesting.” I did not release that interpretation because my confidence was stolen by ‘a liar’ who put doubt in my mind. “What if you’re wrong? . . . What if it means something entirely different? . . . What makes you think you can interpret dreams? . . . What if it isn’t a prophetic dream at all, but something from your own subconscious?” Who does that sound like to you? Perhaps there are others of you who have experienced similar attacks from the ‘father of lies.’ However, after posting the dream, the Holy Spirit began to lead me to scriptures which applied to the interpretation, assuring me that He is directing my path and He leads into all TRUTH. I do not want to be an unfaithful servant, who buries what the Lord entrusts to me. My desire is to one day hear my Savior say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” Hence, what follows is the interpretation given to me. If the Holy Spirit reveals something different to you, then perhaps that is the message He has for you personally. As for me, this is what was placed on my heart.
The Greyhound – Much to my surprise, this part of the dream was about my own wilderness experience. The dry, barren area was a picture of what my ‘Christian’ walk had become after long years of allowing the enemy to lull me to sleep. My complacency had given way to creating a ‘dust bowl’ effect where the Holy Spirit had been put on a leash, unable to work in my life as God intended. What’s worse, I no longer even held on to MY END of the leash. My ‘spiritual man’ was on life support, barely existing, and of no use to the kingdom of God. Then, by God’s amazing grace, I became aware of my desolate condition. Something inside of me began to crave what I was missing. I was HUNGRY for spiritual food! I was dying of THIRST! I needed the Holy Spirit to fill me to overflowing as He once had. I pursued HIM with everything in my power. I chased after Him! Once I finally grasped the end of the LEASH, I pulled Him closer and closer and would not let Him go. I brought Him into my ‘HOME’ . . . I nurtured my relationship with Him . . . He became my best friend, my ‘ALONG-SIDE ONE.’ I did not keep Him on a leash . . . He was released and free to do whatever He pleased. I was not training Him . . . He was training ME! With the surrender of my will to His will, we were a team. There came a time when my training was complete. I knew that I could TRUST HIM! And what’s even more wonderful . . . He knew that He could TRUST ME! Only then was I given the ability to understand what I was shown in part 2 of the dream.
IMPOSSIBLE ‘Stream’ – Please note that in this part of the dream, the scenery had changed rather dramatically. Though the season seemed to be in the Fall, everything around me was vibrant and full of LIFE and LIGHT. The wilderness was over. I was allowed to see and experience the amazing and incredible wonders associated with the presence of the Living God . . . His Holy Spirit . . . UNLEASHED and ACTIVE. I believe with all my heart this scene represents the GIFT (H-A-N-S-E-L – see previous post with that title) that God is bestowing upon those who have gone through an intense refining process in order to be called worthy servants, vessels of honor . . . those Firstfruits who are called to do the greater works (John 14:12) . . . those chosen to be laborers in God’s End-Time Harvest . . . those who will behold with their own eyes and take part in the signs and wonders, healings, miracles of all kinds . . . things too marvelous for words . . . things that in this natural realm seem IMPOSSIBLE! Those chosen for this task have been brought through the ‘fire of refinement’ by the Holy Spirit. They can now be trusted to use the POWER and AUTHORITY available to them in the manner that God intends, in order to bring to fruition His divine plan and purposes. They are obedient to listen to the Holy Spirit. His sheep hear His voice! These are those destined to follow the Lamb wherever He goes (Rev. 14:4). They understand their calling, and have counted the cost, knowing that ‘TO WHOM MUCH IS GIVEN, MUCH WILL BE REQUIRED.’ They know who they are and are ready to take their place in the ranks of God’s army.
HARVESTING – This final part of the dream was a bit confusing. I expected that any reference to the Harvest would perhaps portray barley or wheat, as that is what we see in scriptures. I believe the crop I saw was an indication that what we are going to see in this ‘Great Harvest of Souls’ is something NEVER SEEN BEFORE! For sure, the crop I saw was not anything I have ever witnessed. The ‘LEAVES’ were huge, the size (width & length) of a person. They were being carefully gathered by the laborers ‘one leaf at a time’ and brought to a central location near some buildings/barns where they were sorted and laid out on the ground in different small stacks. The different colors of the leaves not only represent the VARIETY (people of all nations and tongues), but also STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT (returning prodigals, those once lukewarm, the newly born-again) to include every one of our Lord’s lost sheep . . . every individual that is a ‘planting of the Lord’ (not a tare) and has been promised to Jesus . . . those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life! The fact that the ‘era’ seemed bleak is an indicator that it is the end of days. It is a time of tribulation which takes place while the Anti-Christ is warring against the saints, but before the wrath of God is poured out on the wicked . . . before Jesus returns in the clouds of glory to set up His kingdom on earth. IT IS HARVEST TIME! The condition of the laborers, tired and dirty, shows how hard each one is working. The fields are ripe and ready, the Harvest is great, but the laborers are few. The job they have volunteered for and been commissioned to accomplish is not for the faint of heart. They will see much they wish not to see. Times have changed. They no longer have the comforts they once enjoyed. They may not have the luxury of a shower every day or clean clothing. They may walk miles with only what they can carry. They may be captured and thrown into prison. The possible scenarios are endless, but each laborer will be afforded all they need to forge ahead. They will never quit, continually returning to the field for yet ‘one more.’ They may only pause at the barn for a drink of water. This drink, I believe, comes from the ‘stream of Living Water’ (part 2 of the dream). When it is needed, there will be a refreshing to give them strength to carry on.
This dream has taken on a deeply personal meaning for me, but I know I am meant to share this interpretation with the body of Christ. I pray it will be an encouragement to all who have been called for such a time as this. May each of you be blessed as you seek that intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit and ultimately find your place in the ranks of God’s end-time army. Time is so very short. Do not delay in getting your ‘spiritual house’ in order. We are not promised tomorrow. Consider that choices made now have eternal consequences. What is the value of even one human soul? Jesus thought it was priceless! He gave His ALL, His very life, to redeem mankind from the curse of sin. Without His sacrifice, His death on the cross for us, we were all destined to eternity in hell. Please do not neglect so great a salvation . . . so great a GIFT! Our Lord is not willing that any should perish. He paid the ultimate price to keep YOU out of hell . . . to redeem all who will choose Him as Savior.
The Holy Spirit is UNLEASHED! Ready or not, the kingdom of God is at hand. To those called to labor in His Harvest . . . walk now in the POWER and AUTHORITY that has been entrusted to you in order to fulfill your destiny. We are approaching the culmination of life on earth as we have known it and the beginning of the kingdom reign of our true King. It is the greatest time in all of history!
I would like to end this message with Paul’s prayer from Ephesians 3:14-21 –
“I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man; That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, WORLD WITHOUT END. Amen.”
Yours for the Harvest,
2 Samuel 22:23
Psalm 23:1
Psalm 25:4-5
Psalm 31:24
Psalm 91:8
Psalm 108:13
Psalm 147:5
Proverbs 3:6
Isaiah 40:31
Isaiah 41:10
Matthew 5:10
Matthew 6:10
Matthew 10:22
Matthew 25:21a
Mark 9:23
Luke 1:37
Luke 10:2a
Luke 14:23
Luke 21:36
John 15:16
Acts 1:8
Acts 4:29-31
Romans 8:28
Romans 9:21-34
1 Corinthians 6:19
Ephesians 1:19-20
Philippians 1:29
Philippians 4:13 & 19
2 Timothy 2:3
James 4:8a
2 Peter 3:9
Revelation 2:10
Revelation 12:11