
Tomorrow is Never Promised – LynL

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Tomorrow is Never Promised

3/11/25 10:28 PM


As I go through this Earth, I find that almost nothing really matters.  The only true exception is our God/ Jesus.  Most of everything I have ever learned came from the still small voice of the living God/ Holy Spirit.  As I grew up, I may have not had God in my life, but yet, he was there guiding me and leading me into the “good” decisions I made while hearing his pleas.  I claimed that I never heard him, but yet I followed many of the directions he led me into.  When I didn’t, these were the mistakes that usually crossed over into sin.  Like a good friend he was patient and waited for me to grow up and take responsibility for my actions.  Some mistakes took a decade here, a decade there, to clean up.  But yet, he was always in the background waiting for my change.

Those who have waited, will now have to take responsibility for their actions.  Revelation will now come to pass and depending on what side of the fence you have made your bed, will decide where you reside.

Change for those in sin, is something that must be tackled now.  For time has run out.  God is waiting for you to hear his (still) small voice and act upon it.  For tomorrow is never promised and the condition you leave this Earth determines where you belong.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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