January 18, 2022 1:18 PM
Lynne Johnson
Word (8) received November 18th, 2021 at 2:45 PM
I AM wants you to know MY Children that time moves on ever closer to the time of the judgments. Are you ready for this time? If you have been preparing by being in MY Word daily, paying to ME daily and by storing food and water for the coming famine, you are ready. If not, you have very little time left to prepare. I AM recommends that you do so now. Soon all will change on the face of the earth, no one will be able to do the things that they once did. All will be different. There will be much destruction in the world, with great loss of life, great pain and anguish. During this time many people will begin to awaken and you, MY Children will be there to help those that will need your help, your guidance, compassion and when the time is appropriate to speak of salvation. Be ready for this MY Children with words of hope, of salvation. Make it simple and clear, do not confuse people. Many of these people have been through much and are only able to absorb so much. Remember also to speak only to those who are willing to listen. Do not force any to listen. Some may listen but not accept. Some may clearly refuse to believe. Some may listen and accept. Remember some may sow and reap, while others may only sow. Your job is to share the word with others. You cannot control what people may choose to do, some may accept later during the Great Harvest of Souls. Just be ready to provide some scriptures to back up what you say if required. Be ready MY Children for this is your mission in a dark world.
Job 34:16 NKJV
“If you have understanding, hear this; listen to the sound of my words:”
Isaiah 32:3 NKJV
“The eyes of those who see will not be dim, and the ears of those who hear will listen.”
Isaiah 51:7 NKJV
“Listen to Me, you who know righteousness, you people in whose heart is My law: Do not fear the reproach of men, nor be afraid of their insults.”
Jeremiah 29:12 NKJV
“Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.”
Jeremiah 44:16 NKJV
“As for the word that you have spoken to us in the name of the LORD, we will not listen to you!
Mark 4:3 NKJV
“Listen! Behold, a sower went out to sow.”
Isaiah 28:29 NKJV
“This also comes from the LORD of hosts, who is wonderful in counsel and excellent in guidance.”
Job 37:12 NKJV
“And they swirl about, being turned by His guidance, that they may do whatever He commands them on the face of the whole earth.”