Dream Thursday February 13, 2025 aprox 6:40am. I dont recall all details
I felt possibily this was in the East Coast. Myself & family were home. I hear commotion outside and I look out the window, we lived a few floors up. I see on the street down below a large fight is brewing between 2 groups.
I was trying to call 911 but the call wouldnt go through, I had a knowing that 911 was overwhelmed with incoming calls. I shout to my family to move to the farthest room to the back and get on the floor NOW! I knew shots were about to be fired everywhere!
Its difficult for me to articulate especially when writing..full dream on the video
July 20th , no year! June 22, 2024 5:55 PM LM While praying in the spirit on April 12, 2024 I saw so clearly the date of July 20th but no year. On May 28, 2024 before I fell asleep I asked Holy Spirit what that date meant. I dreamed…
Dreamed Salvation Army Food Warehouse 2/4/25 1:52 PM LM Dream March 18, 2024 I was at a Salvation Army Food Warehouse, the people there were expressing their concerns that there were no jobs, the few jobs were only part time and those with jobs were paid poorly. https://youtube.com/shorts/k6B-MaMPysA?si=koIAxZaGRyAWbQB- Photos courtesy…
Mexican Border Closed Americans weren't allowed to cross back 1/22/25 3:31 PM LM Dream April 18, 2024 was watching it happen, like watching a movie. I don't recall dream in detail. The Mexican border was closed and even USA citizens were not permitted to cross over. I remember seeing a…
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Luke 6:38 NLT
Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full-pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.”