
They were hunting people down to exec*te – LM

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

They were hunting people down to exec*te

3/17/25 6:41 PM

Dream Thursday February 13, 2025 aprox 6:40am. I dont recall all details

I felt possibily this was in the East Coast. Myself & family were home. I hear commotion outside and I look out the window, we lived a few floors up. I see on the street down below a large fight is brewing between 2 groups.

I was trying to call 911 but the call wouldnt go through, I had a knowing that 911 was overwhelmed with incoming calls. I shout to my family to move to the farthest room to the back and get on the floor NOW! I knew shots were about to be fired everywhere!

Its difficult for me to articulate especially when writing..full dream on the video



Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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