The Unveiling
January 1, 2021 2:47 PM
Pastor Burl Norton
The Fountain Church
Please find below a vision I received in October, 2004. I believe we re quickly approaching the fulfilling of this vision. It was shared with the congregation in our church shortly afterward
The Unveiling
I found myself standing before a circular pool, similar to a pool in which a decorative fountain would be found. The walls of the pool were perhaps three feet or so in height and twenty to thirty feet in diameter. One would expect that the pool would be filled with water but in the dream a cover was over the top preventing me from seeing its contents. The cover appeared to be made of some sort of fabric such as a tarp.
My attention was drawn to a figure of a man that was standing directly across and on the other side of the pool, standing with his head cast downward so I could not see his face. He was dressed as one might expect a man to dress during biblical times. His robe appeared to be made of a somewhat course material, light beige in color.
As I gazed at the man, he suddenly reached down and grasped the cover and flung it mightily from the pool, exposing that which filled the reservoir. It was filled with the most putrid, disgusting rotting filth imaginable—rotting flesh, pus, blood and human body parts. The sight was nauseating beyond comprehension.
I gazed in horror at the horrible sight and then my gaze shifted again to the man standing on the other side of the pool. Slow he began to raise his head until I saw his face. knew at once that it was the Lord Jesus Christ. His eyes seemed to pierce right into the very depths of my soul and, in those eyes, I seemed that I could see every human emotion present at the same instant. I could see an intense, burning anger over that which he had revealed in the pool. I saw His hatred for the putrid corruption. Yet, at the same instant, I saw immeasurable love and compassion. I saw His deep sadness—his broken heart.
At the time I received this vision I knew that the Lord was saying that there is much corruption throughout society—corruption in government, institutions, corporations, individuals and even churches and Christians. Jesus is disgusted and angry. He hates this corruption and saddened by it but He wants us to know that He still loves us with an inconceivable love and compassion. It is a corruption that is disgusting beyond our imagination but which was then and now, hidden from our eyes but there will come a time in which Our Lord will reveal it to all. That time is rapidly approaching. Today is the time in which we must confess our sins, repent and turn to Him with all our minds, hearts and souls.