The Shrinking Dollars
July 16, 2021 10:47 AM
November 16, 2019
In a dream vision, the Holy Spirit showed me an American woman who frequently patronized a take-out Chinese restaurant. She came by the restaurant to pick up her Chinese food. She reached into her wallet for dollars to pay for the food, but something was strange and amiss. Her wallet NO LONGER CONTAINED DOLLARS IN THE REGULAR SIZE. She pulled out her dollars to discover they were ONE QUARTER THEIR ORIGINAL SIZE! In fact, they looked a little too much like play toy money for children with little hands. When the woman tried to pay for her take-out Chinese food with the shrunken dollars, the Chinese restaurant manager shook his head and REFUSED TO ACCEPT THEM AS PAYMENT. The woman could not take the food she could not pay for. She walked away, HUNGRY.
Because of a vastly increased money supply and other factors, the U.S. DOLLAR WILL SHRINK significantly in value compared to other strengthening currencies. This will IMPAIR AMERICA’S ABILITY TO PURCHASE IMPORTED GOODS, INCLUDING FOOD. CHINA WILL CONTROL MUCH OF THE WORLD’S FOOD SUPPLY.
- Revelation 6:6
6 Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”