
The Hoofbeats Are Getting Louder, Part V – The Pale Horse is on the Way – Life In The Spirit Newsletter

The Hoofbeats Are Getting Louder, Part V – The Pale Horse is on the Way

October 17, 2022 11:40 PM
Mark Peterson, Ph.D.

Dear Friends:  

It looks like the Pale Horse of Revelation 6 is on the way!  

One of the most compelling images of coming events described in the book of Revelation are Christ opening seals and four horsemen riding forth, as described in Revelation 6. They are:  

  • First seal – a White Horse, ridden by a conqueror,  
  • Second seal – a Red Horse bringing war,  
  • Third seal – a Black Horse bringing scarcity and famine, and  
  • Fourth seal – a Pale Horse bringing widespread death on the earth.  

While all of the four horsemen have not arrived yet, it appears they have left their stables, and are on the way. Part I provided an overview of the Four Horsemen, and a sense of urgency because time is short: “The Hoofbeats Are Getting Louder PART I”.  Part II, The White Horse Has Arrived describes the White Horse, ridden by a conqueror, and Part III, The Red Horse (WAR) Is Almost Here  provides compelling evidence that we are on the brink of war with Russia that will come to America.  

Part IV describes how The Black Horse of SCARCITY and FAMINE is on the way and will impact our nation. This Part V, the Pale Horse, will describe how these will likely lead to widespread death and population movement on the earth. Can you hear the hoofbeats? They seem to be getting louder and louder.  

I realize there are many perspectives on the end times held by sincere Christians, and many facets yet to unfold. So don’t believe me, but question everything, do your own research, and take this to the Lord for confirmation.  

Finally, it is critical that we draw close to the Lord with all of our heart mind, soul and strength, REPENTING of all of our sins, asking forgiveness from those we have wronged, and forgiving all who have wronged us. Only then can we effectively seek the Lord and His will for our lives, for we were created to live at this time, to be a witness to Him to all who He brings across our path. 

The Lord provided for the children of Israel for 40 years in the desert, and can provide for us as well. But it is critical for us to prepare for the events that will soon come upon our nation – spiritually, physically, and financially, for as these events unfold, our lives will change in ways we cannot even imagine.  

Have a blessed day, and always remember Who is really in charge.  


Mark Peterson, Ph.D.  


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