The Hive Mind
After reading McKana’s discussion of the Coronavirus Pandemic (here: ),
I felt the need to check how tiny the implants might be “for health reasons.”
They are considering “swarms” in the form of “smart dust!”
Folks, It isn’t going to be just an RFID chip. That’s simply telling someone your identity.
The chips of the future can control your currency, your health, & your communications.
The issues that arise from these implants will most certainly give credence to how worldwide control of people is possible & exactly how the world’s economics & people’s health ends up being mind-blowingly possible in the prophecies of Revelation. It wouldn’t take much for “the hive mind” to rebuild the temple in very short order!
Then I looked up DNA computers…
Considering they’ve done some pretty sophisticated DNA engineering with a virus that manages to target society’s most costly segments of society (the aged, the incarcerated, the poor & finally – some children???)
Remember this…Read everything they hand you for your permission.
Just like the flu vaccine, they must reveal what is in their “vaccine.”
The news in the past few days has revealed that they engineered DNA to prompt plasma to create antibodies.
NY Times wrote this in their article (copied from Google Search…)
“Each monkey received pieces of DNA, which their cells turned into viral…”
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