November 9, 2022 1:49 AM
Handmaid of the Most High
6:00 AM
As I was attempting to sleep, the physical pain was overwhelming. I was talking to the Lord about the oppression against the saints by those who have chosen the world, and this is what I was told.
Proverbs 9:10 KJV The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom.
Many in the body want heavenly wisdom but they don’t know how to mine my word for its riches. You must know my Word in both its physical and spiritual meaning. That is why I call upon my children to drink from my well of living wisdom, it is my Word, it is life, it is your survival manual. Yet, most of my children, those who call on my Holy name, do not spend time learning of me and my ways. How could they? They allow murder in the streets and fret on infringing on another’s privacy in (their) fear of man and what man thinks of them; rather than fearing me and my righteous judgment!
You allow doctors and politicians to define when murder is acceptable and when it is not and now it is not uncommon for people (staff) at nursing homes and hospitals to take the lives of others as they please. Defining quality of life or lack of quality to be the sole defining standard to be an arbitrary opinion rather than allowing the Creator of all life the power to take a life. Understand that I allow it because I have turned this putrid wasteland called America over to be her own god and you, who are called by my name have sat idly by and allowed such despicable acts to happen without a murmur of complaint or blink of an eye!
I have turned you over to the reprobates, you have chosen their path rather than get dirty in a battle for righteousness’ sake. So, do not complain when no one listens as they take every last possession that you own away from you because you stood for no one other than yourself. You never stood in front of an abortion clinic offering to help the mother, who doubts she can feed one more child. You never told the teenager that her choice will make every day a living hell because she didn’t want her parents to be angry. You didn’t stop to ask what you could do. You didn’t ask your Heavenly Father ‘how would you like me to fight in this battle?’. No, instead you let your friends mock those who did take a stand, while you chuckle under your breath because you don’t want them to know that you disagree.
How is it that you are more worried about your cosmetics being “cruelty free” from harming an animal but you have no empathy for a little human, who has no power to even feed itself?
How is it that you are more concerned about fuel emissions than you are for the widow down the street, who has no family to check in on her?
How is it that you are more concerned with the newest single released by your “favorite Christian artist” than you are about your nephew’s addiction?
When you stand before me, what answer will you give me?
I have called all my children to be a light unto the dark world. Yet, some of you look so much like the world, that it is hard to tell you apart from those who are lost. Some of you are so part of the “progressive movement” that you have lost your saltiness. You are not the salt nor the light and thus, the fruit you have borne is withered and distasteful. You will express great sorrow over all the opportunities lost, one day, though it isn’t on your radar at the moment.
I call you forth to make a decision to reach the lost and dying world with my gospel. I ask you to choose life and to seek to serve the truth to those so hungry for spiritual nourishment.
Won’t you ask me how to minister? In some cases, it is so easy to do. Listen. Listen to me whisper the words to share with the grieving son. Listen to the scripture that will comfort the fearful and the lonely. The field is ready to be reaped, won’t you choose to be one of the workers of the harvest?
Time is of the essence, for the days have been shortened and the work is great. There is much to do, and little time left. Choose to set aside your own agendas and your need to be liked by others. Choose to do kingdom work for the King of Kings!
Reap, children, reap!
It is time! Go, gather the grain and bring it into my storehouse for eternity!
I come soon!
~Handmaid of the Most High~ Acts 2:18-19, Psalm 37:30
Romans 2:12
Acts 17:30
Ezekiel 3:20
Ezekiel 33:18
Romans 1:28
Isaiah 52:7
Luke 6:38
Revelation 20:12
Romans 14:12
Matthew 12:36
Luke 12:20
Romans 14:10-12
Mattthew 24:22
James 1:19
John 8:47
Proverbs 19:20
Isaiah 28:23
Psalm 116:2
2 Corinthians 3-4
Matthew 9:37-38
John 7:37-38
2 Corinthians 9:10
Romans 10:10-12
2 Corinthians 5:10-11
Proverbs 12:15
Proverbs 18:13
Proverbs 2:2
Matthew 5:13-16
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