1/3/25 3:27 AM
Handmaid of the Most High
Matthew 24:20 ASV And pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on a sabbath: Luke 21:11 KJV And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. Isaiah 24:4-5 KJV The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish. [5] The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Matthew 7:24-25 KJV Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: [25] And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. Revelation 8:7 KJV The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I realize that some readers do not interact with the “regular” news (who can blame us). The following is a compilation of information that the Holy Spirit has revealed to me about the upcoming weather events.
Back in September, the Lord started speaking to me about what is coming in 2025, I knew a very bad winter was ahead. Going forward, we are in for many weather extremes in each season! Each will bring its own damage. As we freeze, food crops (fruit trees mainly) that are temperature sensitive in the Deep South will die and this will have a very significant impact on the availability of fruit and costliness going forward.
Then, several weeks ago, while talking to friends, the Holy Spirit issued a warning to them personally to prepare for very bad weather and possible grid down events like those in 2021 in Oklahoma and Texas. There will also be widespread power outages, which will be an inconvenience but not over extended time periods.
The Holy Spirit reminded me of the scripture about praying that things do not go bad during the winter time. While this is a little different interpretation, the point is the Holy Spirit knows this weather ahead in the next few days and thereafter will bring great destruction and harm. He desires that His children are prepared! Know this, this is part of the Judgment of God for the rebellious children to get a wake-up call. How many years have we sat back while other people suffer because of a lack of shelter both here in the U.S. and abroad? We give aid capriciously to some but neglect others in greater need because we will not derive a benefit by doing so.
How to prepare – there are a number of good youtube channels and I am sure on other platforms too, that tell you how to “hunker down” in a practical and affordable manner during outages. Please review these and if necessary write down some key focus points so you do not panic or overlook details.
The Holy Spirit told me to highlight that each of us need to recalibrate our focus. If you have no heat, cordon off a room or area within your home and focus on keeping that area warm, instead of attempting to heat the entire house. If you have a fireplace or gas heater, that may be the best place to “camp out”. Use blankets, sheets, tent or tarp to create that space/area and everyone needs to stay inside this area, as much as possible. Each person’s body heat will produce warmth for the area. Keep snacks, water and other essentials in this area so that you can remain in the space except for bathroom visits. What will also help is if you create a tent (or some other barrier above this area, then your body heat doesn’t rise to the ceiling. Instead the heat remains in the space keeping you toasty without a fire or heater.
Layer your clothing, this will keep the heat in that your body puts out. Start out with a t-shirt then a sleeved shirt and maybe a hoodie or sweat shirt on top of that. If it is warmer during the day, take a layer or two off until you reach your comfort level. On the coldest days do not shower, doing so allows for too much body heat to be lost (plus you may want to keep the warm water for hand washing and warm beverages. Body odor should not be much of an issue since you will have layers of clothing so your smell won’t drift to others . Also cover your head with a hat or scarf (or hoodie), your head expresses more heat than the rest of the body, so doing this will go a long way to keeping you warm.
Keep toys, books, radio, batteries, flashlights, pillows, etc. in this space, so that each child will have a distraction. Also board games and puzzles may be a great distraction and “team building” exercise. If you are bored with your board games, visit a thrift store they usually have several to pick from.
Don’t forget your four footed friends. I have critters that won’t wear coats other than the one given to them by the Father, so make sure they have a blanket or towel to keep them off the cold floor. For some inviting them in the warm space is essential. Please do not leave pets in outside unsupervised, especially if you are at work, temperatures will be record breaking cold, so don’t chance them freezing in the cold weather or getting loose to find warmth.
Please plan what you will do in advance, don’t wait for the last few hours to start your action plan. If you need firewood or gas get it today!
I urge you to pray that those without shelter, those who are homeless, those living in vehicles and those who lost their homes to Hurricane’s Helene and Milton and still are without shelter, that they would get what they need or have access to a shelter during these next weeks or so (until March) of destructive weather.
As I type this, the Holy Spirit said that some of the problems will be so severe that one fairly large city, in the Midwest will have severe consequences from the damage to the grid, which is old and “cranky” and should have been addressed decades ago. I believe that this city will have issues with maintaining a safe water supply. When I looked at a map, I sensed it was the area around Missouri, Kentucky, Arkansas, Tennessee but did not get specifics, perhaps, maybe more than one place will experience great hardship but have a quicker resolution. Just know that trials are coming, so ask the Holy Spirit for clear directives.
If you do not have the funds to heat your home, please do not seek warmth in your car, even if you roll the windows down. The Holy Spirit says this is a warning to a couple people, who may have done this in the past. If you do so, you will die! Keep blankets and a gallon or two of water in your car should you get stranded in a snow storm. Also buy those hand warmers at the dollar stores to keep in your vehicle, particularly those who are diabetic, if your doctor approves.
Additionally, do not leave any heater or fire to burn while you are sleeping. This is extremely dangerous. Snuggle with loved ones under one large blanket on top of the other blankets/sheets in use and you will not be cold.
I lived in Erie, Pennsylvania in the winter of 1976/77. It was the worst winter on record. The snowplows couldn’t plow because it constantly snowed and the operators were unable to navigate the roads to get to the facility where they were kept. We sat around our electric stove all day for more than 7 weeks. There was no school for two months. Most businesses were shuttered since the roads were so covered, you didn’t know where it was! I remember one night, hearing my parents discuss what we would do when the food was gone (they assumed us kids were asleep). We stopped bathing it was simply too cold. Because the heat was on constantly, the electric bill was over $1200 for several months -today that would be more than $6,200.+ at 3.5% so more like $7500. or more. Again, I over heard my parents discussing how they would pay it and they ended up having to skip mortgage payments.
We couldn’t open our front door but managed to get the second story door open to let the dog outside, he struggled to get through the drifts to do his bathroom obligations. Temperatures were greater than -30 for many days at a time and the windchill made it -50 degrees. It was truly traumatic. When the snow finally stopped (it actually snowed June 15, 1977). Then came the flooding and there were huge financial losses from damages. Different sources state different numbers for death
What was most shocking was the number of lives lost to those who were stranded in the snow drifts or died from exposure because of the extreme temperatures. Different sources state different death tolls but it was nearly 100 people, most of those deaths were from carbon monoxide poisoning (people running the car while stranded).
Do not dear ones, think that after winter things will settle down. I am hearing that summer will be blistering hot for many. So, much destruction is on its way for the United States. Pray that the Lord will show His children mercy and He provide wisdom as you navigate forward.
Another fact, the Holy Spirit says is the consequences of these events will strain government resources beyond what is available causing emergency efforts to be stymied and other services to be withdrawn to pay for the emergency efforts.
God always warns, so be not just a hearer of the Word but a doer. It could save your life or the life of someone you love.
~Handmaid of the Most High~ Acts 2:17-18
Some places I occasionally consult for U.S. Weather Forecasts –
Max Velocity
Adapt 2030
Photos courtesy Depositphotos