The end of all things is at hand
September 8, 2021
Barbara Francis
The end of all things is at hand It is written what your eyes will behold in the days to come . Plague famine, pestilence,death and war. Many have been called,few have been chosen. I have sent you out to the multitude to share my words and my ways . I give you my peace ,I give you comfort and joy I give you perseverance to endure the coming days . You will be mocked and hated as I have been ,without cause. Many who were with you will be against you and betray you for no reason. Families will split . Children will be disrespectful and abusive to parents . You will continue to see a rise in family murdering family members. Continue on the narrow path. The devil wants to sift you. I speak to the simple and the meek to confound the wise and the arrogant . My children changes are coming rapidly you must put on the full armor of God daily and know I am with you.
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