9/27/24 11:59 PM
Handmaid of the Most High
Greetings Brothers and Sisters,
This isn’t a typical prophecy post. Some of the pieces I have had for nearly six months and I am learning how they connect. My goal in posting is to inform readers of the major decisions made by the powerful people in today’s world.
For those who don’t know, the elites closely follow Bible prophecy and they work hard to perform events about to build up to the time of when satan and God clash. Unbelievably, they think God looses! I venture to say they know scripture better than most Pastors (which isn’t saying much for the U.S. and Canada).
They are very intent in bringing about the fulfillment of every piece big or small. What is provided here will demonstrate scripture milestones are being brought to pass before us now. Some may not have made it to media sources – or have been only mentioned in passing. The Holy Spirit has instructed me to bring important event excerpts for your attention. By revealing developments, which have just occurred, you will realize what you can expect to happen next.
I have included news clips from key news sources for you to find accurate up to date information. It is important to know that Celeste Solum worked for the U.N. for most of her career and now as a Christian realizes how significant the UN is in coordinating ultimately full world control. She monitors their activities and provides insight into the intended application of their agendas. Likewise, Jamie Walden, who pastors a small church in the U.S. Jamie, previously worked in many different facets of the U.S. military during his career and was boots on the ground in two different U.S. wars. Jamie has many anointed insights into present day warfare, as well as what is coming next. I had heard Celeste several times in 2020 but recently the Lord brought her to the forefront of my attention again. I first heard Jamie when he did an interview with Pastor Benjamin Faircloth a month ago and he was repeating many things the Holy Spirit had spoken to my heart! Sometimes, even using the same words!
Although each have great insights, it is truly unfortunate that such knowledgeable people, who are filled with the Holy Spirit and will decode today’s events with His witness and expertise, have such a small audience. I am certain the enemy is working tirelessly to keep them hidden. I encourage you to regularly visit their channels on you tube to understand why and how things will be going forward in their areas of expertise.
Additionally, I am furnishing some specific statements the Holy Spirit wants you to be aware of to show that scripture is being fulfilled before our very eyes. Likewise, I am posting links to prophecies I have received over the past 5 1/2 years on this site that confirm the Holy Spirit wants you to study and understand so you are prepared for the very severe outcomes that will unfold here and around the world.
One other note, before I move forward, since around spring time this year, the Holy Spirit has been whispering to my spirit that the Ukraine/Russia conflict is historically been one of a Spiritual nature more than an argument over land and resources (so often we witness the spiritual issues being the cause of Israel’s captivities in the Old Testament).
About four years ago, the Holy Spirit took me on a very unique research study. He revealed to me that not only did my ancestors come from this region and were both royalty and rulers of the region (there is a castle that was built in 1210 and that still bares my family name today). He also informed me that my ancestors were very wicked! (A few decades earlier, the Holy Spirit said my father’s ancestors were at the Tower of Babel but I didn’t realize that they went on to be rulers). Thus, it shouldn’t be a surprise that their practices continued even though they relocated to another continent. They were Ashkenazi’s or as some call them “Ashkenazi Jews”. These people populated what is now Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Turkey and Iran. These were the wicked one’s that Christ called out, “Who say they are Jews but are not” and also referred to as “The Synagogue of satan”, as the Holy Spirit spoke to me some details, obviously, I was deeply disturbed to realize just what heinous acts these people perpetrated. No wonder, I had repeatedly been called to Generational Repentance using Deuteronomy 28-30 as my guide over more than 3 decades!
Additionally, I was told that they were the off-spring of the demons mating with human women! I can’t even describe how shocked and devastated I was to learn this! I spent months in prayer over this.
Notice Ashkenazi contains “Nazi” within it, the many secret programs and experiments employed by the Nazi’s were continued here in the U.S. – research the term “Operation Paperclip”. These programs are often guided by the Nephilim that still inhabit planet Earth. As a child, I was used in a few of these research programs (some I don’t understand what the result being sought) and have body marks/scars to prove it. The memories of experiences continue to cause nightmares and sleep disturbances even decades later.
A couple weeks ago, a dear friend shared with me the prophecies received by a Ukrainian man several decades ago. Though he has gone to his reward, decades later, we are now seeing it coming to pass. The prophecy is presented as 2 parts. The first part lays the groundwork for part 2. Please do not let the “slowness” of Part 1 keep you from watching Part 2 which moves quite quickly and is full of shocking insights.
Here are the links –
Pastor Phillip Barnett shares Azovmena 1 Prophecy
This past week, NATO made this statement about Ukraine support despite Putin’s warnings to stop aiding the Ukraine with the weapons we have been sending or face an assault directly from Russia, here!
NATO boss Jens Stoltenberg says military support for Ukraine must continue | Ukraine War
Putin’s Massive Change To Nuclear Attack Policy: Threat Against USA Letting Ukraine Do Deep Strikes?
This vote is a game changer to the U.S. prophetically, it is signaling that the West defies Russia’s promises of retaliation. The Holy Spirit told me that once Russia nukes us, other countries will say that we had plenty of warning from Putin to refrain from providing the missiles we are giving Ukraine! They (nations of the world, large and small, India, various African nations, Afghanistan, Iran, China, etc.) will say we got what we deserved! This vote was done in defiance. The Holy Spirit gave me a vision, It is as if the U.S. is the bully, who doesn’t expect the other kid (Russia) to hit back. Those in NATO are doing this as theater.
NATO participates in the United Nations “Summit of the Future”
Read 3rd Paragraph – specifically says that the world leaders met to discuss “global dominance”! Note mentioned here, they also discussed the details to roll-out of the one world digital currency at this Summit. Get ready for the Mark of the Beast.
Celeste and Jamie join their voices on this video linked below. See my comment below the link.
Jamie Walden and Celeste on Current Events
This discussion is focused on how the final chapters of Book of Revelation are on the precipice of playing out as it relates to the last World War. Some of the things they share are insights from their unique career paths as it relates to the final moments of history. If you are familiar with my posts of the past 5 1/2 years, you will see that these prophecies are being confirmed, I began documenting the Words I received after the incredible 90 minute vision of America’s demise I was given in mid-May 2016 – which was first posted in February 2019 on this site. I urge you to start from that time and read all the 300 plus posts and you will see how much the Lord revealed that is consistent with the end times script that is unfolding daily!
This discussion was very dense and I plan to listen again after I send this post to be published. I attempted to take notes but soon found it to daunting. Here is what I noted but it is fair from complete.
Ravenrock and Cheyenne Mountain are ground zero for our military’s command center. Washington DC is empty of our lawmakers and we are now in position at the very last of preparations for the U.S. to be attacked. The U.S. has actually been baiting Russia by doing whatever Russia says it will not tolerate so that there will be absolutely nothing left to do but strike the U.S. (this is confirmation from the Word, “The Coming Destruction of the United States of America (May 2016)). It is my understanding that they (Russia) are awaiting a specific day that has been already agreed upon.
@30:19min/sec of this discussion – U.S. will take the first strike in a Nuclear Exchange.
I also recommend “The Master’s Voice Prophecy Blog” and “JWtv” both are on you tube and are timely resources.
For those unfamiliar with the erection of the Georgia Guidestones back in the 1980’s, new information is now being offered and a quick summary of its intended purpose.
Georgia Guidestones Mystery Finally Solved And Isn’t Good
Finally, I want to emphasize that the increase of demonic interference in our world (which I and others have notified through posts over the last two years especially) is becoming so much more obvious and noticeable, it is going to be increasingly obvious in greater proportions. If you do not sense this, then you must ask yourself and more importantly the Heavenly Father, why you are so disconnected with Him, that you do not discern this? The level of spiritual discernment among most Christians is frankly, pitiful. The comments I hear people make, sometimes astounds me. They reveal how much they operate in their fleshly desires and place these fleshly urges above a Spirit filled and directed life. This aligns with the scripture, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks!“. Luke 6:45
Paul called out the Corinthians for the same and it is simply baffling to me, how folks think they will be raptured out of here and have to little to no negative repercussions for serving Christ, once the world is enforcing the Mark, on rich and poor, old and young alike. Revelation 13:16-17 One business man I know, thinks it will be simply taking silver coins instead of U.S. dollars for his services! I just stared at him in utter shock at his naivete. People, you need to stop seeking these cotton candy, bubble gum preachers and false prophets! When I shared with one Christian that they were listening to a false prophet, I was summarily dismissed with something akin to ‘well, I like hearing all sides’. Huh? Did Jesus tell you to do that? No, he said, You SHALL KNOW the TRUTH, and the TRUTH Shall set you FREE! John 8:22 He told you to flee unrighteousness. 1Timothy 6:11, Romans 13:14, 2 Thess. 2:10. We are to walk with circumspectly and keep company with those who walk in Christ and inspect the fruit. Ephesians 5:15-20, Galatians 5:22-26 Can two walk together lest they agree? Amos 3:3 Bad company corrupts good morals. 1 Corinthians 15:33 He never told you to run to the white washed tomb pharisees for spiritual insights. In fact, every encounter we see in scripture where He interacts with them, He is calling out their wayward behaviors! So, why dear Christian do you spend time what little, precious time you have left on this earth, listening to frauds and showering these liars with your gifts and tithes? Do you not realize their lies and promises will burn in the Holy fire of God? That they will burn up too? As will your gifts and praises for them? Revelation 20:14, Romans 6:23, Malachi 4:1, Matthew 3:10-12, Psalm 37:20
The person, who loves you, tells you the truth, even if it means you are momentarily (or forever) offended. Remember, Jesus always told the truth and as a result, angered so many, that they traded a known thief for execution for the sinless one. Why, oh, why, beloved do you think it is going to be all sunshine for you as a believer? Jesus did not make that promise, He said quite the opposite, whoever was not willing to take up their cross (willing to be persecuted) for Him, was not worthy of Him! Matthew 10:38, Mark 8:34, Luke 14:27 Throughout the Pauline Epistles, we are again and again told that persecution comes with the walk of the saved one, and to “not think it strange that some evil has befallen you”. 1 Peter 4:12
I have spent a great deal of time compiling this and I pray that it presents a clear picture of what is unraveling before our very eyes and what is developing to destroy the beloved. We are in the Book of Revelation! I pray the conviction of the Holy Spirit for those who needed it, that you would seek the Lord’s mercy and love through a repenting heart. It is not my desire to insult anyone, nor judge (after all I just shared some disturbing things about my lineage in this very post), instead I pray that those who have wandered away, will see their downfall and quickly come back to the Lord’s arms for restoration. I also pray that those who are here in the final seconds of time will be prepared for the future days on earth until they are called home. Get in the Word and the Holy Spirit will open your eyes. God Bless Each One of You! Amen.
~Handmaid of the Most High~ Acts 2:17-18
*To those wishing to tithe to my ministry or provide assistance in paying my medical bills/car repairs/vet bills, please reach out to Jonathan, the webmaster for details. If sending a check, please send in a manner that it is not obviously visible by holding up to the light. Use a gel based pen which prevents any forgery issues. My stalkers have become very bold in their recent actions to sabotage me and some efforts have been successful. More than anything I need prayer. My health has been very precarious. I saw a surgeon this week who declined to operate due to the severity of my problems. A surgeon I consulted for my back this summer, likewise declined his services due to the severity and complexity of the issues. The Spiritual assaults have intensified and they have been threatening people, who interact with me locally. Many of my emails are not received and I know that some sent to me never get to me. Please pray God’s protection over any communication before transmission/mailing. I can only continue, if the faithful pray. Believe me, I know when I am being covered in prayer. Faithful friends, thank you so much, I look forward to seeing you in the air and thanking you personally for all you have done on my behalf and I pray blessings upon you in return!
Photos courtesy Depositphotos